Murf AI Review: Is It the Best AI Voice Generator?

Artturi Jalli
6 min readMay 14, 2024


Murf AI is a text-to-speech generator. This tool uses AI to produce realistic voices that sound like real humans.

Try Murf for Free

This tool has a lot of hype and positive reviews. But let’s see if it works.

I’ve extensively tested this product and will show you how it performs in this guide.

Disclaimer: This post has affiliate links at no cost to you.

Key Features of Murf AI

Before I show how the tool performs, let me show you the key features to let you know what this product is all about.

  • Text to Speech. This tool converts text into a spoken voice that sounds realistic. It uses AI to do this.
  • Voice Cloning. This enterprise feature can clone your voice and you can make it say whatever you want to.
  • AI Dubbing. Murf can dub content into 20+ languages.
  • AI translation. Murf can also translate text into 20+ languages into spoken language.
  • API. This tool also comes with an API that you can use to integrate Murf’s AI into your apps.
  • Voices Installer. This tool also supports voice variety for Windows by allowing the installation of different voices.

Try Murf for Free

But now let’s see if it’s any good.

My Experience with Murf AI

I’ve extensively tested Murf AI. Now it’s time for me to share my results and show you some example audio clips.

Murf AI’s Quick Samples

Firstly, if you want to get an idea of what the tool is capable of, just click the play button on their homepage:

This plays some AI-cloned voices and shows the capability of this product.

Getting Started with Murf

To start using Murf AI, you need to sign up first. (By the way, feel free to just read along.)

Once you’ve signed up, you’ll land on a dashboard like this:

Unless you upgrade to a paid plan, you have access to 10 minutes of free AI voices as a free trial.

Voice Generator Example Use

Let’s try the voice generator. The first thing you need to do is add a script.

Also, you can tweak the voice, style, pitch, speed, and whatnot. You can also force breaks and specific pronunciation rules.

Anyway, let me paste some text into the view.

I love how Murf guides me through every step of the way. It even shows me some paste options to make the text read smoother out loud.

For now, I will go with the Split Script by Paragraphs option.

Once you’ve pasted your text into the view, you can play it in one go or in parts.

I played the whole thing, and now the editor is showing me what part is being read out loud and also the duration of the voice.

Here’s a video (with audio) on how it works:

This is your audio preview. Now you can change things around as you like.

Tweaking the Voice Settings

For example, here I’ve changed the AI voice, and tone, and made it faster:

Here’s what the same text sounds like after these changes:

Emphasis Control of the Pitch

One of the cool features of Murf is the ability to have complete control over the output.

For example, if you want to change how the voice actor emphasizes words, you can do so easily.

Just click on the comment icon with a star in it:

Then tweak the tone of individual words in your script:

This pitches up/down the words you’re tweaking. (You can only add 5 emphasis points for each sentence, though.)

I must mention, though, that this feature wasn’t too impressive. It didn’t sound like a natural emphasis, so I’d much rather not use this option (unless I had to.)


Oh, and by the way, if you want to translate your text-to-speech clip to a different language, you can do so by clicking Translate on the left-hand side. This is an Enterprise feature, though.

Voice Changer

Then, let’s try the voice changer feature. This feature takes a video or audio input and extracts the words from it into text. Then it converts that text into one of the Murf AI actors’ voices.

To use this, just drag and drop a video into the view and select the language that the audio is in.

It will process the video for a while. My 15-second clip took about 45 seconds for the AI to run through.

This feature extracts the words your clip has to the audio dashboard.

After a while, the AI extracted everything from my clip almost word for word. Also, I can fix the misses easily from the editor.

However, I’m not sure where I would use this feature. Perhaps to create some kind of a voiceover or such?

Overall Thoughts

Murf AI hype is for a good reason. It’s an epic showcase of AI text-to-speech. It’s nothing like those 2015–2020 versions of products like this.

But it of course also falls short in some areas. For example, the pitching feature wasn’t too impressive.

Anyway, because there’s a generous free trial, I’d highly recommend giving it a shot.

Try Murf for Free


  • A large selection of professional and natural-sounding AI voice actors.
  • The tool works fast. You don’t need to wait for ages for the AI to render voices.
  • The free trial is extensive. You can test all the features for 10 minutes worth of audio without paying. All you need to do is sign up.
  • The emphasis feature is cool and gives you control over every part of the voice output.


  • Some audios still end up sounding robotic.
  • The pitch emphasis feature is cool but can easily make the voices sound robotic.
  • The translation feature is only for enterprise plans without even having a free trial to it.


  • Free: $0/mo
  • Creator: $23/mo
  • Business: $79/mo
  • Enterprise: Contact Murf

Try Murf for Free


I loved using Murf. This tool truly does what it promised. It converts text to a realistic voice—indistinguishable from a human voice.

Also, it gives you the option to edit the generated voice and choose actors for any type of voiceover, be it promotional, conversational, professional, or such.

The tool also comes with a generous free trial you can start with this link:

Try Murf for Free

Read Also

If you want to find more awesome AI text-to-speech tools, make sure to check my complete list:



Artturi Jalli

Check @jalliartturi on YouTube to become a successful blogger. (For collabs, reach me out at: