Crafting the Essence of Effective Leadership

Inquiry Over Advocacy

Artug Acar
Mercury Business Services
3 min readOct 31, 2023


Consider the epic journeys of historical explorers like Christopher Columbus or Ferdinand Magellan. Navigating uncharted waters, these explorers were consumed by a relentless curiosity, a hunger for discovery that transcended the boundaries of known realms. They didn’t just advocate for new paths based on their convictions; they embraced the vast mysteries of the unknown. Their leadership was not merely about steering the ship; it was about fostering a spirit of inquiry and adventure, allowing new worlds to unveil themselves.

In today’s rapidly evolving professional landscape, leaders are at a crossroads: Navigating the delicate interplay between expressing their ideas (advocacy) and fostering a culture of curiosity and questioning (inquiry). A shifting paradigm suggests a move towards valuing ‘Inquiry over Advocacy’ in leadership and communication styles to foster environments rich in innovation, collaboration, and mutual understanding.

Inquiry and advocacy are two pillars in the foundation of communication and leadership. Advocacy often embodies confidence, certainty, and a robust expression of one’s viewpoints — a characteristic frequently displayed by ambitious individuals. However, an overreliance on advocacy, while it may signify decisiveness, often leads to missed opportunities, barriers in communication, and a narrowing of perspective and approach.

On the contrary, inquiry symbolizes a more open-ended, curious, and explorative communication style. Leaders who embody inquiry foster environments where questions are encouraged, and diverse perspectives are welcomed. Such a leadership style is pivotal, especially in contemporary times, where newer generations bring many ideas and a strong desire to contribute actively to problem-solving and organizational growth.

Leadership that leans towards inquiry over advocacy stands on a pedestal of listening, asking questions, and cultivating a broadened understanding of situations and challenges. Such leaders may not always possess all the answers, but they master navigating the journey towards the best solutions collaboratively, ensuring that voices are heard, and ideas are valued and synthesized.

In the matrix of inquiry and advocacy, striking a balance is crucial. Situations, where advocacy overshadows inquiry, may lead to disillusionment, a sense of not being valued, and a potential loss of rich, varied inputs that could enhance decision-making and problem-solving. On the flip side, leaders who successfully utilize inquiry foster a culture of inclusivity, openness, and shared ownership in organizational goals and directions.

Emphasizing inquiry does not mean completely sidelining advocacy. Both have their place in the organizational communication spectrum. Advocacy can drive decisiveness and clarity, while inquiry promotes collaboration, innovation, and a well-rounded approach to challenges and opportunities.

In a world where leadership is not merely about managing but inspiring, guiding, and cultivating an enriching environment, ‘Inquiry over Advocacy’ emerges as a powerful mantra. It champions a leadership style that is adaptable, receptive, and profoundly effective in navigating the diverse and dynamic pathways of the contemporary professional landscape.

Such a shift towards inquiry enhances leadership effectiveness, fostering a leadership style that resonates with empathy, inclusivity, and a keen understanding of the multifaceted nature of challenges and opportunities in today’s vibrant organizational ecosystems.

