12 Things you can build on Voltz Protocol

Artur Begyan
3 min readApr 21, 2022

Gm fam!!! As you’ve likely seen, Voltz protocol’s contracts have been deployed on the Kovan testnet and the developer docs have been published here. The feedback so far has been tremendous, with users experimenting with yield strategies and seeing the capital efficiency of the protocol firsthand.

While a large subset of capital and users will flow through the interface (and it is a damn good-looking interface cc Brokoli), there is an even larger opportunity for developers to build on top of Voltz Protocol’s core contracts. The protocol is designed to be underlying financial infrastructure, allowing anyone to integrate its yield and data into a new frontier of applications and experiences. In the list below, we’ve compiled just a few ideas of what you can get started #buidling on Voltz protocol.

  1. Liquidator Bot: Build a bot that can automatically liquidate at-risk positions using the Voltz Protocol SDK.
  2. Liquidation Interface: Build an interface that shows historical liquidations and allows users to manually liquidate at-risk positions with an intuitive UI.
  3. Fixed Yield Interface: Build a simple UI that allows users to deposit stablecoins and receive the fixed rate on Voltz protocol.
  4. Yield Simulator: Build a tool that allows users to calculate their expected APYs based on various market conditions and scenarios.
  5. LP Optimization Vault: Build a vault that helps liquidity providers maximize their fee revenue, minimize funding rate risk, and manage liquidity between tick ranges.
  6. Portfolio Tracker: Build a dashboard that shows users helpful statistics on their earnings and trading history.
  7. Limit Orders: Build a limit order tool that allows traders to automate market actions based on predefined movements in interest rates.
  8. Market Neutral Strategy: Build an automated trading strategy that allows other users to supply liquidity and earn market-neutral yield.
  9. Max-Leverage Strategy: Build an automated trading strategy that allows other users to supply liquidity and earn leveraged yield.
  10. Position Roll-Over: Build a tool that easily allows Fixed and Variable Takers to roll their positions over to the next liquidity pool after the current term expires.
  11. Historical Rates Analytics: Build a dashboard that shows current and historical APYs on all of Voltz protocol’s liquidity pools.
  12. Rate Oracle: Build an oracle that fetches interest rate data from various yield-bearing assets that can be added as new markets on Voltz protocol.

Have an idea that’s not listed here? We’d love to hear from you! Easily one of the best parts of open-source, composable software is that it unlocks the creativity and talent of a much broader pool than just the founding team. The Voltz Labs team and broader Voltz community are here to help you at every step of your building journey, whether it’s ideation, UX feedback, technical support — you name it!

The best way to get involved is to jump into the #builders channel of the Voltz Discord and start bouncing ideas off other members of the community. You can also follow Voltz on Twitter, and Medium.

Happy Building!

