How to restart your Wacom Tablet Driver in 5 seconds or less with AppleScript (macOS)

Arturo Acevedo
2 min readFeb 9, 2021


Photo by BRUNO EMMANUELLE on Unsplash

I will show you how to restart your Wacom tablet driver with a press of a shortcut. The key to this is AppleScript and a way to run that script.

The AppleScript

on run
set app_name to "WacomTabletDriver"
do shell script "killall " & app_name
delay 1
tell application app_name to activate
end run

It’s very barebones. It looks up the driver process and kills it, then waits one second and runs it again. That’s it.

I run the script via Keyboard Maestro so I just need to press some keys in my keyboard, but you could run an executable (you can download it here) via Spotlight or Alfred. I run the script, wait few seconds and the tablet works again.

Keyboard Maestro Integration

So that’s how you restart your Wacom tablet with AppleScript! I wish you a bug-free drawing session!

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If for any reason, the driver stops but doesn’t restart, you can run it manually by:

Just a little visual aid.
  1. Open the Wacom Tablet folder in your application folder (⇧⌘A to get to the Applications folder in Finder)
  2. Hit ⇧⌘. to reveal hidden files.
  3. Open the folder called “.Tablet”.
  4. Run the app called “”
  5. Hit ⇧⌘. again to hide those files.
  6. That’s it!

You could also try increasing the delay in the AppleScript to 2 or more to give the computer more time.



Arturo Acevedo

I’m a student that is a bit obsessed with design-driven productions, the philosophy of design, and computers. My website: