How to Scan QR Codes from a Website or Screenshot on Android and iPhone

3 min readSep 27, 2023


In our increasingly digital world, QR codes have become an essential tool for accessing information quickly and efficiently. Whether you’re scanning a QR code to access a website, check-in at a venue, or make a payment, it’s a handy skill to have. But what if you have a QR code on your phone ? Can you still scan it? The answer is yes, and we’ll show you how to do it on both Android and iPhone devices.

QR code to access a website, check-in at a venue, or make a payment, it’s a handy skill to have. But what if you have a QR code in a screenshot? Can you still scan it? The answer is yes, and we’ll show you how to do it on both Android and iPhone devices.
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Android Device Scanning QR Codes from Screenshots

Android users, you’re in for a treat! Most Android devices come equipped with a powerful tool called Google Lens. This nifty feature is your trusty sidekick in the quest to scan QR codes from screenshots. Here’s how to wield its power:

  1. Open Google Photos: First things first, open the Google Photos app on your Android device.
  2. Choose Your Screenshot: Scroll through your gallery and select the screenshot that contains the QR code you want to scan.
  3. Activate Google Lens: Look for the Google Lens icon, typically a small square adorned with colorful dots, and give it a tap.
  4. Let Google Lens Work Its Magic: Google Lens will work its magic, analyzing the image and extracting the QR code’s data.
  5. Explore the Results: You’ll be presented with information related to the QR code, along with actions you can take. It’s like having your personal digital wizard!

iPhone Odyssey: Scanning QR Codes from Screenshots

iPhone users, you’re in luck! Apple has made QR code scanning a breeze, thanks to its built-in feature. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Launch the Camera App: Begin by opening the Camera app on your iPhone.
  2. Select the Screenshot: Locate the screenshot that contains the QR code you wish to scan.
  3. Point and Shoot: Direct your iPhone’s camera at the QR code in the screenshot.
  4. Notification Magic: A notification banner will appear at the top of your screen, displaying the decoded information. Just tap it to access the linked content.

Shortcut (iOS 12 and Later) — Speedy Scanning

For those of you who prefer a more automated approach, iOS offers a shortcut to scan QR codes. Here’s how to set it up:

  1. Shortcuts App: Open the Shortcuts app on your iPhone. If it’s not already installed, you can download it from the App Store.
  2. Create a New Shortcut: Start by creating a new shortcut within the app.
  3. Add the “Scan QR Code” Action: Within your new shortcut, add the “Scan QR Code” action.
  4. Save and Use: Save your shortcut, and it will be readily available in the Shortcuts app for quick QR code scanning from screenshots.

General Tips for Successful Scanning

Before you embark on your QR code scanning adventures, here are some essential tips to ensure your success:

  • Clarity is Key: Ensure your screenshot is clear, well-lit, and free from any obstructions for accurate scanning.
  • Default Browser: If the QR code leads to a website, make sure your default browser is set to open it.
  • App Requirements: Some QR codes may require specific apps for opening (e.g., payment apps for QR code payments).




An creator pushing the boundaries of imagination, blending algorithms and creativity to forge captivating visual QR code masterpieces