How to connect Autonomous Linux with Autonomous Database in Oracle Cloud

Art Polyakov
2 min readOct 30, 2019


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  1. Create Autonomous Linux Instance (& Autonomous Database).

Assign Public IP address to your instance to allow remote connection:

Attached VNICs > Your_instance name (Primary VNIC) > IP adresses > EPHEMERAL PUBLIC IP

2. Connect to your instance using Putty or other preferred way.

Oracle Linux default username: opc

Ubuntu Linux default username: ubuntu

How to connect using Putty on Windows here

3. Download and Install SQL*Plus to Oracle directory.

Create new directory

mkdir /home/opc/oracle

Download sqlplus 18.3

wget -P /home/opc/oracle/

cd /home/opc/oracle

sudo rpm -ivh oracle-instantclient18.3-sqlplus-–3.x86_64.rpm

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=”/usr/lib/oracle/18.3/client64/lib/”


sqlplus64 -version

You can update /home/opc/.bash_profile

With export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=”/usr/lib/oracle/18.3/client64/lib/”

So every time you logged out, you do not need to repeat previous steps manually

4. Download Client Credentials (Wallet) from your Autonomous DB and unzip.

5. You need to upload your wallet to your Linux VM

Create new directory

mkdir /home/opc/atp_wallet

You can use Oracle Object Storage to upload your wallet into Linux VM

Create pre-authentication request for the file

wget -P /home/opc /atp_wallet “your_secure_file_url”


6. Update sqlnet.ora directory to /home/opc/atp_wallet

nano /home/opc/atp_wallet/slqnet.ora

7. Update .bashrc

nano /home/opc/.bashrc

Add the following:

export TNS_ADMIN=’/home/opc/atp_wallet’

alias sqlplus=’sqlplus64'

alias srf=’source /home/opc/.bashrc

8. Now you can use sqlplus to connect to your Autonomous Database

sqlplus admin/your_password@your_database_high

your_database_high — from tnsnames.ora file

