Add Sign In with Apple button to your website today. Part 1.

Artyom Efremov
3 min readJun 14, 2019


One of the biggest announcements from WWDC 2019 is “Sign In with Apple” feature which allows users to sign in to mobile apps and websites using their Apple ID

Example of how “Sign In with Apple” feature works can be seen here:

This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of adding “Sign In with Apple” button to your website. Please note, that in order to add the button to your website you should have Apple Developer Account.

  1. Log in to your Apple Developer Account, go to “Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles” page, and select “Identifiers” section.
  2. Register a new App Identifier by clicking “plus” button. Enter description and Bundle ID.

Turn on“Sign In with Apple” capability, and enable this App ID as a primary App ID.

3. Register a new Services ID for website which will use “Sign In with Apple”.

Enter description and identifier, enable “Sign In with Apple” feature and click “Configure” button to configure domain and return URL. Remember the identifier, you will need to know this value later.

4. Enter domain name of your website and URL where users will be redirected to after authentication. Remember redirect URL, you will to know this value later.

5. Return to “Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles” page, switch to “Keys” section, and register a new private key by clicking “plus” button.

6. Enter name for the key, enable “Sign In with Apple”, associate the key with primary App IDs created at step 2, and download the key.

7. Select the created key from the list and remember Key ID, you will need to know this value later.

8. Go to your Apple Developer account, select “Membership” section, and find your Team ID. You will need to know this value later.

Now you should know value of service ID, redirect URL, team ID, key ID, and private key. The second part of the guide will describe how to start Apple authentication flow and get user’s identifier and access token with help of Sign In with Apple REST API.

