Rajanikant DeshmukhinDroidKaigiAnnouncing the Scholarship Program for DroidKaigi 2024Hello, this is aruke from the DroidKaigi Committee. We have finalized this year’s student scholarship program guidelines and will start…Jul 15Jul 15
Rajanikant DeshmukhinDroidKaigiDroidKaigi 2024スカラーシッププログラムのお知らせこんにちは、DroidKaigi実行委員会のarukeです。DroidKaigi 2024での学生向けスカラーシッププログラムの実施要項が確定しましたので、本日より募集を開始します。Jul 15Jul 15
Rajanikant DeshmukhRecyclerView’s clipToPadding attributeIntroduction to RecyclerView’s clipToPadding attribute and how we can use it to create better lists in the Android app.May 11, 2020May 11, 2020
Rajanikant DeshmukhUdacity Propel : Here's what you need to doA brief article about Udacity Propel, what it is and how to be ready for it.Jul 5, 2018Jul 5, 2018
Rajanikant DeshmukhMy journey towards becoming an iOS DeveloperFrom knowing nothing about iOS Development to writing iOS appsApr 10, 20182Apr 10, 20182
Rajanikant DeshmukhWorkManager for EveryoneUse WorkManager for performing tasks efficiently in background.Jan 18, 19701Jan 18, 19701