CryptoSouk — The Next Generation Digital Asset Exchange

Arul Daroy Atjeh
4 min readJul 27, 2018


At this time the crypto exchange market is growing at extremely elevated rates, buying, selling, holding and trading cryptocurrency is hard. We are excited about the various new decentralized exchange ideas being developed but they ofen suffer from a severe lack of liquidity and market making. In the middle east, however, we think that more actve traders and investors are looking for a higher touch, and easier to use trading partner that more matches their existng expectatons of partcipatng in financial markets.

We believe that there is a unique opportunity to focus a centralized cryptocurrency exchange on the Middle East and the Arabic language. We also believe that bringing long term foreign exchange operatons, trading, and market making experience is required to create more efficient/sustainable liquidity solutions combined with a strong understanding of financial exchange ecosystems — a place where many new entrants do not have expertse.

What is a CryptoSouk.?

CryptoSouk is a premier trading and financial technology company. We’ve built the best digital asset exchange by focusing on the needs of professional traders and digital currency experts. We are dedicated to making digital currency trading accessible, fast and totally secure. CryptoSouk also called to build the next generation digital asset exchange for traders of every skill level with the aim of making digital currency trading accessible to everyone. CryptoSouk are devoted to enhancing our customers’ trading experiences with quick trade execution, fair pricing, world-class customer service, endless improvement and limitless creativity. We focus on the Middle East and provide the best in class experience in Arabic and English.

CryptoSouk plan to invest in tools and partners who can help us lower those costs and make funding or redeeming fiat inexpensive and easy. we believe that higher touch customer service is critcal in so we plan to invest in customer service to be able to provide a more human touch at scale while doing so efficiently and profitably.

CryptoSouk Marketng plan is to employ regional experience by directng localized unique digital marketng content via the most optmized channels as well as focusing on educaton in Arabic as simple yet effectve content delivery is few and far between today. Our appreciaton of Arabic high context societes will contribute heavily in our mission to create a significant engaged community which forms the backbone of any crypto related product, project or venture. In-line with industry-wide best practces for digital marketng, the marketng spend will be allocated to two distnct mediums:

Benefits of CryptoSouk

  • Top of Line Trading UI
  • Order Book
  • Trade Tracking
  • Trade Major Digital or Fiat Currency

Why CryptoSouk

Because CryptoSouk reliability combined with a rich array of features, as:

Technology CryptoSouk

CryptoSouk technology is oriented towards simplicity, security, and reliability to support a rich array of features. Top of the line trading UI — CryptoSouk is a premier trading and financial technology company. We’ve built the best digital asset exchange by focusing on the needs of professional traders and digital currency experts. We are dedicated to making digital currency trading accessible, fast and totally secure.

  • Enterprise matching engine with executon ability of 1 Million transactons persecond.
  • Natve Chartng.
  • Advanced APIs to access or provide liquidity to others.
  • Multple integraton ability for KYC/AML, Banking/PSPs.
  • 20+ order optons including but not limited to; FILL or KILL, IOC, STOP, LIMIT, etc.
  • Interoperability with Traditonal and DLT infrastructure.
  • Insttutonal Grade Security combined Cold/Warm/Hot Wallet rule based systems.

Token Sale CryptoSouk

Info Token:

  • Total Supply: 52,000,000 Souk
  • Token Type: ERC20
  • Token Name: Souk
  • Token Ticker: Souk
  • Token Price: $0.50
  • Soft Cap: $1M
  • Hard Cap: $11M


  • $0.375
  • 25% Discount
  • Soft Cap — $1M
  • Launch Date — July 9th 2018
  • Duration — 30 Days

Main Sale

  • $0.5
  • Hard Cap — $11M
  • Launch Date — August 22nd 2018
  • Duration — 30 Days

For more information about our Token Sale, you can visit the link below:





Team CryptoSouk

  • David Dubrulle: Co-founder CEO
  • Gene Hoffman: Co-founder, Member Board of Directors
  • Richard D’Souza: Operations Manager
  • Basil Abusaada: Customer Support


  • Rob Viglione
  • Andrew Bates
  • Morten Christensen
  • Marco Calicchia
  • Valtteri Serimaa

For More Info Contact Us At Link Here:

Bitcointalk Username: (aruldaroy);u=1164939
Address Eth: 0x0b91554F1C0E2534E5e8a904a06F1B596e811EaD



Arul Daroy Atjeh

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