1 min readSep 24, 2023

Review book

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind

Name : Aulia Rahma Ningrum

Npm : 221304258

Subject : Intermediate Reading

After understanding and reading the book sapiens in the section "The Legend of Peugeot" I found many interesting things, for example where chimpanzees have a hierarchical social structure where the male is the most powerful, usually called the "Alpha male". two males fight for the alpha position, they usually do this by forming a broad coalition of supporters, both men and women and what these potential rulers do is spend a lot of time together, slapping each other on the back and kissing each other’s baby chimpanzees as is also done by humans Nowadays, when they are campaigning, they will shake hands, gather and spend time together. The Alpha male usually wins his position Not because he is physically stronger, but because he leads a large and stable coalition. In conclusion, in reading the book Sapiens, especially in the section "The Legend of Peugeot" I felt very interested and wanted to read more about this book, even though the weakness is that the language used is a little difficult to understand, but because it contains parables that relate to my daily life so interested in reading more.