The Single Best Hobby for STEM Students

Arun Kavishwar
5 min readOct 28, 2021

The best way to stand out for FAANG and Quant-techs

Activate both parts of your brain! (Source: Getty Images)

The Pitch

“Hi! Do you like law, theatre, or acting?

…Me neither — I’m a CS kid and this is my favorite activity on campus!”

This was my impromptu pitch for Mock Trial: the single best way to expand your skillset and develop a well-rounded persona when you’re at school. If you aren’t at school, I’m sure you know somebody who is — and this is some valuable advice to pass along to them.

In short, Computer Science students like myself tend to be very focused on advancing their skills in technology. I know countless people who are both majoring in Computer Science and filling up their extra time with — you guessed it — more Computer Science (in extracurriculars like FullStack and Hack@Uni). And while there’s nothing wrong with that, broadening your horizons can give you an edge to catch the eye of recruiters at Google and Amazon, who are looking at hundreds of thousands of applications a year.

What is Mock Trial?

As the pitch implies, it involves both law and acting. Every year, the American Mock Trial Association (AMTA) releases a massive case packet for all the colleges around the nation. This packet contains witness statements, exhibits, and other general…



Arun Kavishwar

Brown University CS, SWE Intern, and Mock Trial enthusiast