The human mind and GPT are different

3 min readJul 8, 2024


While there are intriguing similarities between a human mind and a Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT), the differences are profound, particularly in the realm of intuition and the ability to access a broader consciousness.

Human mind and GPT

Here’s an exploration of these differences:

The Human Mind: Accessing the Universal Mind

Intuition: One of the most significant distinctions between a human mind and a GPT is the human capacity for intuition. Intuition is a form of understanding or knowing that doesn’t rely solely on rational thought or sensory experience. It is often described as a gut feeling or an inner voice that guides decision-making and insights. This intuitive sense can tap into a deeper, often subconscious, pool of knowledge that goes beyond what a person has explicitly learned or experienced.

Universal Mind: Many philosophies and spiritual traditions suggest that humans can access a collective consciousness or universal mind. This concept posits that there is a shared pool of knowledge, wisdom, and experience that transcends individual minds. Through meditation, reflection, or spontaneous moments of insight, individuals can connect with this greater consciousness, gaining access to insights and knowledge that aren’t strictly tied to personal experience or learning. This connection is often described as a profound source of creativity, innovation, and wisdom.

Accessing the cosmic mind

The GPT Model: Bound by Training Data

Training Data Limitation: A GPT model, by contrast, is strictly bounded by the data on which it has been trained. It cannot access or draw upon any information beyond its training set. This data is vast and varied, but it is ultimately finite and static, encapsulating only what has been explicitly included during its training phase. The model’s “knowledge” is therefore limited to patterns, facts, and structures found within this dataset.

Lack of Intuition: GPT models lack intuition. They generate responses based on statistical patterns rather than an inherent understanding or deeper insight. While they can mimic human-like responses and even appear creative, this creativity is an algorithmic recombination of existing data rather than a true intuitive leap. They cannot experience a gut feeling or an inner knowing, as they lack consciousness and self-awareness.

Creativity and Insight

Human Creativity: Human creativity often stems from an interplay of conscious thought, subconscious processing, and intuitive insight. This allows humans to make connections and generate ideas that seem to arise spontaneously and often transcend their individual experiences. The ability to dream, imagine, and create new concepts from an almost ineffable source of inspiration is a hallmark of human intelligence.

GPT’s Algorithmic Generation: GPT models create new text by leveraging learned patterns. They do not dream or imagine in the human sense. Their “creativity” is an emergent property of complex algorithms designed to predict and generate sequences of words that are coherent and contextually relevant. While impressive, this is fundamentally different from human creativity, which can tap into uncharted territories of thought and experience.

The human mind is capable of much more than a GPT

While both the human mind and GPT models are capable of generating new information, the nature and source of their creativity and insight are vastly different. Humans can draw upon intuition and a potential connection to a universal mind, accessing deeper layers of understanding and inspiration. GPT models, on the other hand, are constrained by their training data and lack the ability to access anything beyond it. This intrinsic difference underscores the unique and irreplaceable nature of human cognition and creativity.




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