I found Astrology in a hopeless place…

Heartbreaks and silverlinings

Aruna V
3 min readFeb 21, 2023

Heartbreaks take you to places, unimaginable. I felt like I couldn’t find an escape. It felt dark, desserted and lonely when it all ended in such a short time. And with no closure…. “Duration doesn’t matter” I said to myself, “Impact does”. The next three months, I learnt how to “dig deeper” and find closure for myself. Shameful, lost and angry I tread a day at a time, which felt like a year that would never end.

As someone who finds silver lining in every situation, I definitely was blessed to be able to sleep like a baby every night, that would help me forget the pain overnight, reducing the intensity one day at a time. As another silver lining, that I didnt realize at that moment, my inner self was starting to take me through a journey that would change who Aruna was, for life. That version of Aruna was naive, impulsive and didn’t read through all the fine print. But things began to change for good. A new door showed at a distance. All she had to do was walk towards it before she can walk through it.

It was no easy feat.

It was like a long hallway with a lot of mirrors all around, bouncing reflections off of each other. I could sense an end to this hallway but I couldn’t see it yet. I saw myself in those mirrors, my various reflections. Being left to myself, with no socialization, forced me to look at myself deeply and the voice from within grew louder. I never had a chance to do this before but this time I was forced into it. During this phase of facing myself, I discovered astrology.

Hey Astrology, are you forreal?!….

I was never a believer in astrology, or birthcharts as much, I never referred to transits or “favorable” dates and forecasts to live my life and didn’t really care much about it. But in my search for tools to self explore and learn, I came across astrology. Astrology is NOT just a sign sun horoscopes, which don’t make sense 99.99% of the times. So I started to get deeper into the topic and how I can use this to benefit me in figuring myself out. I called my mom for my birth date information so I can use one of the online free birth charts wesbites to be able to view and decipher details about my birth chart. I was flabbergasted! I could not believe there is all this gold mine of information at my fingertips. I learnt about what my personality feels like, my mood, what my possible career path could look like, my life’s purpose, what habits could be beneficial to me, what my external personality could come off as, what kind of relationships do I prefer and grow in and information about how I evolve over years. It is mindblowing! I have learnt enough to appreciate and continue learning about it.

At this point, I have stepped through the door and closed the door behind me bringing with me the lessons, my new self, some new connections and most importantly my love for astrology into my new life. I have made peace with the past and the people and understand they were for a season and everything happened for a reason.

What is my angle with Astrology?

I use astrology as more of a guidance and also tool to learn about myself and my evolution over time. There is also predictive astrology however I believe in allowing life to unfold in front of my eyes rather than knowing possible events ahead of time or try to predict them. I believe life is best lived as it unfolds than trying to find out what might happen. I hope to share some of my astrology journey here.



Aruna V

Lifestyle coach and self transformation mentor — helping people change their lives one post at a time.