Designing for Accessibility: Making Products Inclusive for All Users

arunava sadhu
5 min readJun 3, 2023

In today’s digital landscape, designing for accessibility has become an imperative aspect of creating inclusive user experiences. It is not only about meeting legal requirements or catering to a specific audience; it’s about ensuring that everyone can access and interact with digital products seamlessly. In this blog post, we will delve into the importance of designing for accessibility and provide practical guidelines for making your products inclusive for all users.

Understanding Accessibility

The first step towards designing for accessibility is gaining a comprehensive understanding of what it entails. Accessibility refers to designing products and services that can be used by specially-abled people i.e. those with disabilities or impairments, ensuring equal access and opportunity for all. It encompasses various aspects, including visual, auditory, cognitive, and motor impairments.

Designing for accessibility goes beyond mere compliance; it is a commitment to inclusivity and empathy. By creating accessible products, you enable people with disabilities to access information, communicate, and participate fully in society.

People ignore design that ignores people.
- Frank Chimero

The Importance of Accessibility in Design

Accessibility in design ensures that digital products are inclusive and usable for all, regardless of abilities. It goes beyond compliance, reflecting empathy and social responsibility. By prioritizing accessibility, designers enhance user experiences, expand their user base, comply with legal standards, and foster innovation. Accessibility is crucial for creating an inclusive digital world.

Design Principles for Accessibility

Design principles for accessibility are guidelines that designers can follow to create inclusive and user-friendly experiences. By incorporating these principles into their design process, designers can ensure that their products are accessible to a wider range of users. Here are the key design principles for accessibility, along with explanations:

Alejandra Aviles- 6 Design biases that can affect online accessibility

1. Consistency and Clarity in Visual Design

Designers should prioritize clear typography, appropriate color contrast, and intuitive icons. This helps users with visual impairments or color blindness to easily read and understand the content. By choosing legible fonts and using sufficient contrast between text and background elements, designers can enhance readability and ensure that information is accessible to all users.

2. Responsive and Adaptable Layouts

Creating responsive and adaptable layouts ensures that digital products are accessible on different devices and screen sizes. Users should be able to access and interact with the content seamlessly, regardless of whether they are using a desktop computer, a tablet, or a mobile phone. This principle ensures that the user experience remains consistent across platforms and accommodates individuals with varying abilities and assistive technologies.

3. Keyboard Accessibility

Keyboard accessibility is crucial for individuals with motor impairments who rely on keyboards or alternative input devices. Designers should ensure that all interactive elements, such as buttons and links, can be easily navigated and activated using keyboard controls alone. This principle guarantees that users can fully interact with a product without the need for a mouse or touch input.

4. Voice-assisted Technologies

Designing for voice user interfaces (VUI) is essential to accommodate users with mobility or visual impairments. By considering voice interactions, designers can enable users to navigate, interact, and control digital products using speech commands. Incorporating VUIs ensures that individuals who may have difficulty with manual input can still access and use products effectively.

5. Proper Form and Input Design

Forms are an integral part of many digital products, and designing them with accessibility in mind is crucial. Designers should include clear labels, error messages, and validation cues to assist users in completing forms accurately. Providing helpful hints or suggestions can also benefit individuals with cognitive or learning disabilities, thereby easing out their form-filling experience.

6. Providing Alternative Text for Images

Images play a significant role in digital products, and it’s important to provide alternative text (alt text) for them. Alt text is a textual description that conveys the meaning and context of an image to users who cannot see it. Users with visual impairments can access alt text through screen readers or other assistive technologies, allowing them to comprehend and engage with the content effectively.

Inclusive Interaction Design

Interaction design plays a crucial role in ensuring inclusive user experiences. Here are some considerations:

The Grossbauer Group- The Power of Inclusive Design

1. Clearly Visible and Distinguishable Interactive Elements

Ensure that interactive elements, such as buttons and links, have clear focus states and are easily distinguishable. This helps users with visual impairments or mobility limitations to understand their current location and navigate through your products effectively.

2. Captions and Transcripts for Multimedia Content

Provide captions for audio and video content, making it accessible to users with hearing impairments. Transcripts allow users to access the content through screen readers or alternative means, ensuring inclusivity for all.

3. Adjustable Font Sizes and Zoom Capabilities

Enable users to adjust the font sizes according to their preferences. Consider providing zoom capabilities that allow users with low vision to magnify content without compromising usability.

4. Considering Cognitive Accessibility

Design for simplicity, minimise distractions, and provide clear instructions throughout the user journey. This helps users with cognitive or learning disabilities to navigate and comprehend your products effectively.

User Testing and Feedback

User testing is a vital component of designing for accessibility. It helps identify and address accessibility barriers. Here are some key considerations:

Hotjar- Usability Testing

1. Including People with Disabilities in User Testing

Involve individuals with disabilities in your user testing sessions. Their feedback and insights are crucial in uncovering usability issues and rectifying the pain points they encountered.

2. Using Assistive Technologies during Testing

Utilise assistive technologies, such as screen readers or alternative input devices, during testing. These technologies will help in creating an inclusive and seamless experience, thus enabling them to participate fully.

3. Gathering Feedback and Iterating

Actively seek feedback from users with disabilities throughout the design process. Incorporate their suggestions and iterate on your designs to continuously improve accessibility features.


99designs- The principles of inclusive design

Designing for accessibility is not just an ethical obligation; it is an opportunity to create products that cater to the diverse needs of all users. By following the principles of accessible design and conducting user testing, designers can foster inclusivity, enhance usability, and make a positive impact on the lives of individuals with disabilities.

Embrace accessibility as an integral part of your design process, and together, let’s build a more inclusive digital world.

