M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story

Arun Bais
3 min readOct 1, 2016


MS Dhoni — The Untold Story” captured the journey and struggle of a boy and how he pursues his passion. Biography is always a tough job, and when the celebrity is still in his prime it became and different story. You are a Dhoni fan or not but you should absolutely relish each and every frame of movie.

At first it gets little difficult to accept Sushant Singh Rajput as Mahendra Singh Dhoni (MSD) when he steps into screen, but as the movie unveils, we almost forgot who the real Dhoni is. Neeraj Panday capture the essence beautifully and plot does not get too much into politics of selection, it might be rather a clever move to avoid unnecessary attention, and the movie gets rather more into the cricketer’s personal challenges. Director also beautifully capture the family sentiments by casting Anupam Kher as Dhoni’s nervous father who cares for his son very much, work hard to keep ends meet and is set with the mindset of Job that gives money takes a step before pursuing your passion. While this is being established on one side, MSD silently creeps into everyone’s mind with his carefree hitting.

After establishing family sentiments, friendship, struggle the second half turns romantic by touching the love interests of cricketer. Through we wait to see if Dhoni gives a peek into the dressing room, words on his co-players but that’s very limited making the movie more on a personal front. There are indeed a few situations, like both the world cup win which have been covered aesthetically more from the cricketer and his family perspective. With Dhoni already active in cricket, most of the memories in the movie are fresh in our minds.

Major credits go to Sushanth Singh Rajput, his acting skills need no explanation and to put it like a commentator “He does the bat do the talking”. Neeraj has done his homework to a great extent by capturing the real essence, friendship, sentiment, family, love, and artwork and of course cricket. Walking out of the movie you are sure to find out why it took so long for the man to make his debut, how he dealt with failure and moved on. As a fan you surely would expect how Dhoni managed to keep his calm, or rather kept his cool, none of them have been covered which is really disappointing.

Length of movie is test match instead of T20, but let’s be agree the MSD factor always work, a must watch for Sushanth’s mind blowing performance

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Arun Bais

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