How to Add Moving Text in HTML

Arun Prakash
2 min readJan 12, 2024


Unleashing Dynamic Content: Adding Moving Text in HTML


In the fast-evolving landscape of web design and user experience, adding moving text in HTML has become a powerful tool to captivate audiences and enhance engagement. Static content is a thing of the past; today, users crave dynamic, visually appealing elements. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of incorporating moving text into your HTML code to elevate your website’s aesthetic and functionality.

The Basics of HTML Animation

Understanding the <marquee> Element

One of the simplest ways to introduce moving text is through the <marquee> element. While it's considered somewhat outdated, it still serves its purpose effectively. To implement this, you can enclose your text within the <marquee> tags, defining attributes like direction, behavior, and scroll amount.

<marquee direction=”left” behavior=”scroll” scrollamount=”5">Your Moving Text Here</marquee>

Embracing CSS Animations

For a more modern and flexible approach, CSS animations offer a plethora of possibilities. By leveraging keyframes and styling, you can create fluid and sophisticated moving text effects. Below is a simplified example using CSS animations:

@keyframes slide {
from { margin-left: 100%; }
to { margin-left: 0%; }

.moving-text {
animation: slide 5s infinite;

<div class=”moving-text”>Your Moving Text Here</div>

Enhancing User Experience with JavaScript

Implementing Smooth Scroll Effects

To take your moving text to the next level, consider incorporating JavaScript for smoother and more intricate animations. Utilize libraries like ScrollMagic or GSAP to achieve seamless scrolling effects. Below is a basic example using GSAP:

<script src=”"></script>

<script>‘.moving-text’, { x: 500, duration: 2, scrollTrigger: ‘.moving-text’ });

Accessibility and SEO Best Practices

Ensuring Accessibility

While enhancing visual appeal, it’s crucial to maintain accessibility. Ensure that users with disabilities can still access and understand the content. Use descriptive alt text for moving text elements and test your website with screen readers to guarantee inclusivity.

SEO Optimization for Moving Text

To boost your website’s SEO, focus on incorporating relevant keywords within your moving text. Search engines crawl text content, so strategically placing keywords in motion can positively impact your rankings. Strike a balance between creativity and optimization to achieve the best results.


Incorporating moving text in HTML is not just a trend; it’s a strategic move towards creating a captivating online presence. Whether you opt for the simplicity of <marquee>, the elegance of CSS animations, or the dynamism of JavaScript effects, remember to prioritize accessibility and SEO optimization. Elevate your website's visual storytelling and keep your audience engaged with the power of moving text.

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