Zero Vectors

Math fellow
7 min readDec 5, 2023


Vectors are quantities that have both a magnitude and a direction. They are used to represent a variety of physical phenomena such as displacement, velocity, and force. We’ll look at a form of vector known as the zero vector, sometimes known as the null vector, in this article. We’ll examine its definition, characteristics, and applications in mathematics and other fields. We will also share some commonly asked questions and solved solutions to assist you comprehend the subject better.

What is Zero-Vector?

Zero vector is a vector that has zero magnitude and an arbitrary direction. It can be shown as 0 or 0⃗0 or 0. It is, to put it simply, a vector that does not move or alter a point’s location in space.

A zero vector can be seen in the above figure. It can point in any direction and has no length. It is crucial to understand that the origin and the zero point are not the same as the zero vector. The zero vector is a vector that can be placed anywhere in space, whereas the origin is a fixed point in space.

Properties :

Zero vectors have distinct and unique properties that set them apart from other vectors. Among these characteristics are:

  • Addition with Zero Vector: Any vector added to the zero vector results in the original vector. This is due to the zero vector having no effect on the magnitude or direction of the other vector.

We can write this mathematically as

a + 0 = a, where a is any vector and 0 is the zero vector.

  • Multiplication with Zero Vector: The zero vector is the product of any scalar and the zero vector. This is due to the fact that multiplying by zero yields zero.

We can write this mathematically as

k0 = 0,where k is any scalar and 0 is the zero vector.

  • Division by Zero Vector: Division by the zero vector is undefined. This is due to the fact that division by zero is not defined in mathematics.

We can express this mathematically as:

a / 0 = undefined, where an is any vector and 0 is the zero vector.

Applications :

Here are some examples of zero vector applications. Zero vectors are used in many fields, including physics, engineering, and computer science. They are especially useful for representing equilibrium conditions, null forces, and other things. As an example:

  • A zero vector in geometry can represent a point that does not move or change position. If we have a point P with coordinates (x, y), then the vector P = (x, y) — (x, y) = (0, 0) is zero.
  • A zero vector in physics can represent a body at rest or a point where forces cancel each other out. For example, if a ball is at rest on a table, its velocity vector v= (0, 0) is a zero vector. Similarly, if two equal and opposite forces act on the same body, the resultant force F=F1+F2=(0,0) is a zero vector.
  • A zero vector in engineering can stand for a non-changing or non-deforming state. For instance, the displacement vector of a beam with fixed ends, u = (0, 0), is a zero vector. In the same way, a zero strain vector (ε = (0, 0) exists in a material that is neither stretched nor compressed.
  • A null pointer or an empty array can be represented by a zero vector in computer science. For instance, if array A has size n, then all of the elements in the vector A=(a1,a2,…,an) must be zero in order for the vector to be considered zero. Similarly, the vector P = (0, 0) is a zero if we have a pointer P that points to nothing.
  • A zero vector in biology can represent a gene that has no effect on the phenotype or a mutation that has no effect on function. If we have a gene G that codes for a protein P, the vector G=(g1,g2,…,gn) is a zero vector if all alleles are the same. Similarly, if a mutation M changes a nucleotide N, the vector M=(m1,m2,…,mn) is a zero vector if the change does not change the amino acid sequence.
  • A zero vector in economics can represent a market with no demand or supply, or a transaction with no profit or loss. If we have a market for a good G, then the vector G=(g1,g2,…,gn) is a zero vector if all consumers have zero willingness to pay. Similarly, if a transaction T involves a buyer B and a seller S, the vector T=(t1,t2,…,tn) is a zero vector if the price paid by B equals the cost incurred by S.

Examples (In Mathematics) :

Following are some examples of zero vectors in various mathematical contexts:

  • linear algebra: A zero vector is a vector that belongs to every vector space and subspace in linear algebra. It is vector addition’s additive identity, which means that adding any vector to the zero vector results in the same vector. If we have a vector space V with basis vectors e1,e2,…,en, then the zero vector is the linear combination of the basis vectors with all coefficients zero, i.e., 0=0 e1+0 e2+…+0 en​.
  • Calculus : A zero vector is a vector with zero length and zero slope in calculus. It is the derivative of a constant vector function, which means that the vector function’s rate of change is zero at all points. For instance, if we have a vector function f (t) = c, where c is a constant vector, then the vector function’s derivative is the zero vector, i.e., f’ (t) = 0.
  • Trigonometry : A zero vector in trigonometry is a vector with no direction or angle. When two or more vectors cancel each other out, a resultant vector is created, which means that the total of the vectors is zero. For instance, the zero vector, or a + b = 0, is the resultant vector of two vectors, a and b, that have the same magnitude but the opposite direction.
  • Statistics: A zero vector in statistics is a vector with no variation or dispersion. It is the mean vector of a collection of identical data points, i.e., each data point is the same as the average of the data points.
  • Cryptography: A zero vector in cryptography is a vector that contains no information or encryption. It is the plaintext vector of an unencrypted message, implying that the ciphertext vector is the same as the plaintext vector. For example, if we have a message M represented by a vector m, the plaintext vector is the zero vector if the message is not encrypted, i.e., m = m + 0.
  • Game theory : A zero vector in game theory is a vector with no utility or payoff. It is the result vector of an unplayed game, in which there is no reward or punishment for the participants. To illustrate, let’s say we have a game G with players P1​,P2​,…,Pn​ and payoff vectors u1,u2,…,un​. If the game is not played, then u=u1+u2+…+un.


In this section, we’ll go over some frequently asked questions and their answers to help you better understand the concept of zero vectors. This will include problems involving zero vector properties and applications.

Q1. Is the zero vector unique or not?

Yes, the zero vector is distinct. There is only one vector with a magnitude of zero and an arbitrary direction. The zero vector will always be the same vector no matter where we place it in space.

Q2. Does the zero vector have to be a unit vector?

No, the zero vector isn’t a unit vector. A unit vector is a vector with a single magnitude and a single direction. The magnitude of the zero vector is zero, and its direction is arbitrary. As a result, it does not meet the definition of a unit vector.

Q.3 What is the angle formed by two zero vectors?

The angle formed by two zero vectors is undefined. Because the zero vector has no direction, we can’t measure the angle it makes with another vector. We can express this mathematically as:


where is the angle formed by two zero vectors, 0 is the zero vector, and |0| is its magnitude.

Q4: What is the dot product of zero and any other vector?

The dot product of a zero vector and any other vector is equal to zero. This is due to the fact that the dot product is the product of the vector magnitudes and the cosine of the angle between them. Because of the magnitude

Q5. Given a zero vector and any other vector, what is the cross product?

The zero vector is the result of taking the cross product of a zero vector and any other vector. This is so because the vector that is perpendicular to both vectors and whose magnitude is equal to the product of the vectors’ magnitudes and the sine of the angle that separates them is called the cross product. The cross product will have an arbitrary direction and zero magnitude since the zero vector has zero magnitude. In terms of math, we can write as:

0×a⃗=∣0∣.∣a⃗∣sin⁡θ n

where n is the unit vector perpendicular to θ, a is any other vector, and 0 is the zero vector.

