
Arunn Thangavel
3 min readMay 25, 2020

a user interface tool for pandas providing easy and fast data manipulation.


Pandas_ui harness the power of great python libraries such as pandas, NumPy, plotly, ipywidgets, pandas_profiling, qgrid and presents in an efficient way for user access.

pandas_ui helps you wrangle & explore your data and create custom visualizations without digging through StackOverflow. All inside your Jupyter Notebook ( alternative to Bamboolib ).This tool is inspired and created as an alternative for the bamboolib since it comes with pricing.

Pandas_ui will automatically perform the specified operation on the pandas dataframe and generates the python code simultaneously.

This tool is tested and verified with windows 10, Google chrome, Python 3.7.

It’s not yet tested on Jupyterlab or colab.

Who’s this tool for:

It is highly sophisticated and yet easy to use tool that can be used by both the advanced and novice users. It is designed to reduce the time fo data pre-processing for data scientists and data analysts.

It is highly recommended for the python and pandas beginners.

Getting started.

To install: Run command prompt:

>> pip install pandas_ui
>>jupyter nbextension enable — py qgrid — sys-prefix
>>jupyter nbextension enable — py widgetsnbextension — sys-prefix

After installing open jupyter notebook

>>from pandas_ui import *
>> pandas_ui(‘csv_file_path_here’)

To get the dataframe after processing:

>>get_df() # to get the dataframe
>>get_meltdf() or get_pivotdf() # to get melt or pivot dataframes if any.


~ Pandas_ui provides interactive data frame functionality.

~ Generates statistics report powered by pandas profiling report.

~ Dozens of pandas operations just a few clicks away.

~ Explore panadas columns and perform operations.

~ One of the most powerful functionality in this tool is history which allows you to reverse, redo your actions on python-pandas code generated and the code can be saved for later use.

~ You can create powerful visual presentations with no effort and the code can be copied for later use.

~ Oh! I almost forgot, we have interactive 3d.

~ There are many more functionalities to explore, install and try by yourself.

Main characteristics and benefits of Pandas_ui

Reduce 90% of your coding time.

Focus on what you want to do instead of how
No more digging through StackOverflow
What would you prefer a dozen complex python code or a few mouse clicks?.

Easy to use

Quick onboarding with a minimal learning curve

100% compatible and flexible

Seamless integration into your existing working environment
Work from within Jupyter Notebook

Private, secure, local

All your data remains private and secure
Use it on your local machine without the need for cloud access
Satisfies the requirements of your IT department

About the Author:

Arunn Thangavel.

I am working as a full-time machine learning practitioner in Chennai, India.

I have sole-authored this tool please reach out to for any queries related to this tool.

