It was an awesome summer | Nakanishi Aruno

3 min readSep 6, 2023


30th August 2023

The summer has reached the end.

Right now, I have a mixed feeling of achieving something and losing some at the same time.
It’s like I just had a really long dream, and it feels weird.

I don’t always do well when I tried to cherish the most important moments where it counts.

When we performed [Actually…] at Osaka live on last year’s Zenkoku Tour, my voice couldn’t come out.

Before the last chorus, when I clearly saw everyone’s faces for the first time,

[What if the people who are looking at me now don’t think well of me now?]

That’s what crossed my mind at that time.

I instantly felt my legs froze, my body froze as well, and I couldn’t let my voice out.

For all the people who said that they liked me, and all the people who have high expectations when they come to see me,

Even though that is the only place to show my capabilities,
At that moment, I feel like, I’ve let everyone down.

When I thought all of that,

Every time I stand on the stage, my legs were trembling.

Last year at Jingu, I cried everyday under the center stage platform, alone.

But this year,

I can properly hear all of your voices.

From the regional live until the very end of Tokyo live,
Your voices have strengthened me.

I hope I’ve changed even just a little bit.
I hope I can be someone else’s power too.

This year’s Zenkoku Tour’s setlist, I’ve enjoyed it so much from the start until the very end!

For the people who came to the Live!
For everyone who watched the stream!
For everyone who supported us!
For any of you who’s now reading this blog!
To all people!

And then, all of you!!!!!!

I’m going to say it out loud, with lots of love!!!!

Thank you so much!!!!!

The 1st day of rehearsal at Jingu
This place is so surreal that I was kind of afraid to even set a foot in there,
As if a magical creature might live there.

Kawasaki (Sakura)-senshu, let’s make a promise to stand on the stage of Jingu someday, together!!
Hey, Okamoto (Hina)-kun as well!!!

My favourite photo

I hope the warmth stays the same when we’re together.

The super nocturnal

After the LIVE ended, we’re taking a little summer vacation

I’m going to do the adult sleep, sleeping all day just to wake up at 5.00 in the morning and then sleep again

It’s a good start to the summer vacation

I will end the blog right here!
I’ll write again soon

Aruno’s blog 30th August

Originally published at on September 6, 2023.

