Best Data Analytics Tools for the App 2020

Arun Raina
7 min readJan 27, 2020

When it comes to analytics tools, we always have questions. What is the difference between so many App analysis tools? Which is better? Which one should I use?

Although it is really important to know the keen difference between various analytics tools, so being a data enthusiast, I studied & used most of the tools while If you go online to search for relevant information, it is difficult to see a fair point of view. Mobile app analytics are a developer’s best friend, tools that analyze the performance of your mobile app, help you gain a good understanding of how your users are behaving and how the app can be optimized to reach your goal

I have chosen a total of 5tools which are Clevertap, Amplitude, Google Analytics(Firebase) & Appsflyer which are quite good, whereas each one has a specialty of its own, eg Apps Flyer is broadly used for the Acquisition led by which course or if you want to measure retention source wise where in comparison, all the rest are the analytics tools more related to Product which are best if you want to analyze the Product better.

Next, out of these, I find clever tap has an Edge over all of these, as it helps you across many org’s like Marketing + Product (UserFlow +UI/UX)+Engagement (Push/Sms/Email)


CleverTap is a customer lifecycle management platform that helps brands deliver delightful customer experiences at scale.

CleverTap helps you build valuable, long-term relationships with your customers by giving you two things: access to real-time behavioral analytics so you know who they are, and a platform with which to engage users on the right channels, at the right time, and with a message that resonates. If we look at what are the things which clevertap measure, then clevertap is much more about marketing Automation, user engagement & less about the analysis of the Product & user behavior. This is how the Analytics dashboard of clevertap looks like

Clevertap Analytics Dashboard

Power Of Clevertap Analytics:

Engagement: If you want to engage with users or retain them then clevertap is the best ultimate solution in the market. You can schedule various campaigns to send the user Push Messages, In-App Messages, Inbox, or reach to them through Omni channels like Sms, Email.

With the Help of Mobile-In-app, you can run various banners across the Mobile App & even want to take the inside App rating it can be done Clevertap gives you the real idea of the user Engagement Analytics

Clevertap Engagement Channels

Marketing: Ever wanted to reach back to the users who have uninstalled the app or the user who arent opening the App, as you want to increase the DAU ?

Ever wondered why does even Spotify shows the add’s even when I Have Installed The app? Well if you wanted to increase the DAU, then it is better to bring back those who already have the app & clevertap makes it much easy with their Events tracking to get the Audience, which you can target & bring them back by suing remarketing Channels like Facebook & Adwords. Having such a powerful Analytics tool can help you find the right segment according to whom you can target for any conversion event to be completed

User Journey Analytics (OnboaridngCampiagns, Re-Engagement, App frequency increase): You can define the onboarding campaign for the new users, that what should the new user sees in terms of Push Messages, Sms, email, In-App, etc, what should be displayed to ease their app usage or to make sure that new signup is turned into a converted user for eg: a converted user for Companies like Flipkart is Buying the Item, for OTT platforms it's Watching a Video, for Content Platform It's Content Creation/Video Play, etc. There are many more segments that analytically you can create eg:

Re-Engagement Campaigns: Want to Re-Engage the sue through the Omni channels by automatically scheduling the journey who fall in the desired segment eg The users who haven't been active since last 15 Days, with the help of Clevetap Analytics tool, you can target anything which needs to be done for your business KPI’s to be increase

Clevertap Journeys Overlook

Audience Analytics:

Funnels: Know about how the users are moving across the various screen through the help of the funnels.

Cohorts: Measure user Retention base don even other events. Now, know whats you aha! moment or North star metrics that making the user retention to the greatest spike & then slowly & slowly make the product to ease the step or help the users to achieve that particular event at which the user retention is quite high. According to the Analytics report by App Annie, the average retention according to the Benchmarks report of the apps flyer is D1 45%, D30 16% For the social Apps

Uninstall: Now track you install through which source eg Organic/paid, after which step does the user uninstalled the app. In the Analytics of the uninstall you can View the uninstall trends, which are currenlty happening in your App, that will help you to fix & retain the user

Clevertap Trends

Flows :

Flows lets you know in which different ways your customers navigate your app. In the Flow Analytics It shows all the paths customers take so you can identify the optimal points to engage them in your app, what are the leaky buckets whey the user is dropping off so that you can fix them.

Clevertap User Navigation Flow

Analyze where your customers go before or after performing a specific action. Or follow their journey between two user actions to analyze the frequency of occurrence of an important one. With Flows, marketers see the sequence of actions customers took, along with the percentage of user conversions and the average time taken to convert at each step of the journey.

Automated Segmentation: CleverTap’s Recency, Frequency, Monetary (RFM) Analysis is an automated segmentation tool that analyzes your user base based on how recently and frequently they performed a specific event.

CleverTap identifies your champions, loyal users, hibernating, At-risk users, etc based on their purchase history(Conversion Event), engagement frequency, location preferences, and much more, so you can predict churn and improve conversions faster. Over this is one of the most impressive & enticing Analytics features that I'm quite impressed with it, as with this you can really improve the conversion or your KPI’s whether its App DAU, Item to Buy, Video to be watched, etc. Overall here even if wee deep down further into Analytics there is much more to you can see what users are doing like how much of your new users are converting to champion, how many are are going from one segment to another or leaving/Dropping

Intent-based Segmentation: Well you might also if be using firebase, firebase does predict the users who going to do certain events in upcoming days, The same does the Clevertap which is built by their data science team, the prediction of the event in the upcoming days. Well what if you know x amount of users are going to uninstall your app is upcoming 7 days then it gives you an edge to increase their engagement, how to make sure they don't leave, etc. With intent-based segmentation, you can definitely boost your Push or Journey conversion events as compared to normal push segmentation. So overall if you are looking for a Power analytics tool for the mobile app that can help the Marketing team, Product team & Retention team then clevertap is the one Analytics you should definitely look for to give try in 2020. Rest true Analytics of your App will depend on how efficiently you will use the Tool & what needs to be the measure which is essential

Clevertap RFM Chart

By Arun Raina

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Arun Raina

Building @Nojoto | Product Management | Analytics | Growth