Privacy in Web3: Balancing Openness with Protection

4 min readJul 27, 2023


“Privacy is the power to selectively reveal oneself to the world.”

Erich Hughes, Cyberpunk’s Manifesto

The Promise of Web3 and Ethereum’s Challenge

Web3 promises a decentralized internet future where barriers to entry are low, creation of multiple identities is straightforward, and pseudonymity reigns supreme. At the heart of this revolution lies Ethereum, an open ledger gearing up to redefine the financial landscape with its censorship-resistant, permissionless system. However, while Ethereum’s openness is its strength, it may also be its drawback as well. This transparency, while revolutionary, threatens the financial privacy of its users. A recent issue that angered the crypto community is Arkham’s announcement that it has started a bounty marketplace that will let people buy and sell on-chain cryptocurrency data.

Why Financial Privacy Matters

Financial privacy isn’t merely about keeping one’s assets hidden; it’s about safeguarding personal information, ensuring safety from potential hacks, and, most critically, protecting one’s dignity and autonomy. In the traditional financial world, few would appreciate their bank statements on public display. Similarly, in Ethereum, an open protocol where every transaction is visible, the need for privacy becomes even more crucial.
Access to finance and financial privacy is a bedrock to independence and open society. As surveillance capital becomes increasingly inevitable by capturing all aspects of human experience in a granular method, and then sold to multiple businesses to make profit. Having privacy over these transactions should not be traded for convenience.

The Cyberpunk Vision and ZK Tools

The Cyberpunks, early advocates for digital privacy, envisioned a world where individuals could selectively disclose data, protecting their identity and transactions. Emulating this vision, the blockchain ecosystem has embraced Zero Knowledge (ZK) tools. These tools not only provide privacy but, thanks to their data compression capabilities, also scale platforms like Ethereum.

ZkBob using SNARKS epitomizes this vision. It offers electronic cash systems that resist corporate surveillance, returning the power of data to the consumer. Think about the countless apps that monetize your consumption data without your explicit consent. ZkBob presents a world where such transactions remain private, emphasizing the dignity and autonomy inherent in financial privacy.

The Paradox of Compliance

Privacy, while essential, can sometimes be at odds with compliance. Fully private systems can, unfortunately, be exploited. From money laundering to financing terrorism, the potential misuse of DeFi’s private transfer capabilities is real and concerning. However, zkBob elegantly negotiates this delicate balance. It melds KYC and compliance features, facilitating private transfers while ensuring that the ecosystem’s integrity remains intact.

Web3’s Double-Edged Sword: Transparency

Web3 and DeFi have been revolutionizing finance. However, their open-source nature sometimes makes them vulnerable. Chainalysis Crypto Crime Report highlighted that stolen funds in crypto for the year ’22 stands at $3.8 Billion, of which DeFi protocols have accounted 81% of the stolen funds, due to the code being open source. Hackers can exploit code weaknesses, leading to significant losses. While such issues can be curbed with rigorous security audits and improved code practices, the inherent transparency of blockchain transactions remains a challenge. As more projects aim to onboard users into crypto, this transparency, coupled with user interface challenges, could hinder mass adoption.

Real-World Adoption and the Role of Privacy

Quietly, innovators have been expanding crypto’s footprint beyond DeFi. From Gnosis pay to Web3-native co-working spaces, the applications are diverse and growing. As these use cases proliferate, private transfers, facilitated by tools like zkBob, will become the bedrock. After all, in an open digital world, no one wants their purchases on public display.

The Dual Promise of ZK: Scalability and Privacy

The rise of zk-rollups in the Ethereum ecosystem underscores the innovative spirit of the Web3 community. These rollups are chiefly celebrated for their scalability solutions, given the urgent need to manage the increasing volume of transactions on the Ethereum network. The chase for scalability perhaps outshines the inherent privacy advantages that zk-rollups can offer.

This emphasis on scalability over privacy might be due to two primary reasons. First, the immediate priority for the Ethereum ecosystem is handling its scalability challenges. Second, and perhaps more subtly, privacy is not always seen as a lucrative business model. Companies built on data monetization, such as Google and Meta, have historically profited immensely from user data, making the business case for privacy less apparent in the decentralized world.


However, for Web3 to stay true to its decentralization ethos, privacy cannot be relegated to the back seat. It’s paramount to educate the community and stakeholders about the importance of privacy as a foundational pillar of Web3. As we journey forward, it’s crucial not just to innovate but also to align our innovations with the core principles of the decentralized web. Platforms and applications, including the likes of zkBob, should be championed for striving towards this balance, pushing the boundaries of DeFi and mainstream use cases while ensuring that user privacy isn’t compromised.

Conclusion: The Road Ahead for Web3 and Privacy

Web3’s potential is vast, but to fully realize it, we must address the challenges head-on. Platforms like zkBob, which strike the right balance between openness and privacy, will be instrumental in shaping this new digital frontier. As the ecosystem grows, these tools will not just be beneficial but essential, setting the flywheel of private transfers in motion.

