Arvind Srivatsav
3 min readJun 3, 2016

Historical journal entries, the voices from the past telling a different story of how things happened.. Telling conspiracies that are hidden to the knowledge of all..expressing how things happened and why. These entries could be from a legendary historical character or a house wife of a feudal lord or a stable boy or an notorious pirate, these entries could rewrite the history change the common perspective of how a particular thing is viewed or it could simply tell us a story of a rich culture, heritage, festivals or punishments gone through by our historical ancestors. I’am Arvind.. An 20 year old guy who is interested in peeping into the lives of people who are dead and long gone. to reveal any secrets or conspiracies or simply the life led by people of different time in the past so let’s uncover the lives of ppl of a different time through their handwritten journal entries

“We have discovered the most terrible bomb in the history of the world. It may be the fire destruction prophesied in the Euphrates Valley Era, after Noah and his fabulous Ark.”

Now the first journal entry is about president harry Truman who is the 33’rd president of United States of america.. He was born on may 8.1884 he became the president of United States in April 12,1945..truman belongs to one of the most important part of American history.. The first world war the time of devastation. The time in which the atomic bomb was used for destruction for the first time in the human history. Infact it was Truman who authorised to use atomic power to subdue Usa’s conflict with the imperial Japan. Now let us go back in time to review trumans account on the atomic bombs

July 25,1945

“We met at 11:00 AM today. That is, Stalin, Churchill and the U.S. president. But I had a most important session with Lord Mountbatten and General Marshall before that. We have discovered the most terrible bomb in the history of the world. It may be the fire destruction prophesied in the Euphrates Valley era, after Noah and his fabulous ark. Anyway, we think we have found the way to cause a disintegration of the atom. An experiment in the New Mexico desert was startling—to put it mildly. Thirteen pounds of the explosive caused a crater six hundred feet deep and twelve hundred feet in diameter, knocked over a steel tower a half mile away, and knocked men down ten thousand yards away.”

Precisely 12 days before the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, the president detailed the discussions he had about how the atomic bomb was to be used. The most striking part of this passage is Truman’s desire to see the bomb used on military personnel only—not civilians. Hiroshima was chosen due to its naval port and large military headquarters. The second target was originally supposed to be Kyoto, Japan’s old capital, but Truman believed that dropping the bomb on either Tokyo or Kyoto would result in excessive civilian casualties. In fact, it was revealed after the war that Kyoto was spared the bomb because the secretary of war, General Stimson, had honeymooned in Kyoto and was particularly fond of the city. Nagasaki was chosen instead and bombed three days after Hiroshima.As we know, the vast majority of casualties were civilians, particularly the elderly and children. Truman became racked with guilt in the days following the second atomic bomb explosion. The Secretary of Commerce at the time, Henry Wallace, wrote that Truman ordered a halt to any more plans to bomb Japan, stating that ”He didn’t like the idea of killing, as he said, ‘all those kids.’ ”