Why “dear diary” helps.

Arvind Srivatsav
4 min readNov 16, 2017


A diary to speak to

The only journey that matters in life is the one within.

The life we live in has a lot of complexities, that’s the optimistic way of referring to “problems” I refuse to acknowledge these complexities as problems because in reality they are actually just short coming that can be solved through time and further engagement.

We always wanted to channel our thoughts, emotions and find out the triggers, the root causes and magnitude of any shortcomings, but though we put in a lot of thinking into it we can barely find some that too the most obvious of them, so why do we fail? To break down those complexities of our life, it is simply because we put in a lot of focus on the question than actually finding and implementing an answer or solution for it. Just think of our life as a boat and the shortcomings as an hole in it, now as soon as there is a hole in it, water rushes in trying to consume the boat we tend to avoid the water by reacting to it and throwing it out on a bucket but we fail to close the holes eventually how much ever effort we put in with the water we fail to save ourselves from getting into the Davy Jones locker.

Now I’ve been journaling about my life almost every day for the past 3 years and I’m fully convinced that I’m qualified to talk about the benefits and complexities of journalizing, we always in one way or another try to put our thoughts to words in one way or another but we fail often times in consistency. I’m lucky enough to tell I had a consistency with my journal and I’ve actually made out the best out of that commitment

I don’t write my journal by allotting a time for it every day, following a structure or a pattern I just write it on the go whenever I feel like writing it and if I don’t then even the god cannot make me write it, I just jot down the stuffs that’s been happening at that particular day in my life how things turned out to be, how people reacted and how people changed (my friend’s if you are reading this beware :-p “, how things around me is so dynamic. How I feel during a very particular moment. Actually writing all this helped me to make better sense of this world, better sense of my relationships, I was able to self talk or communicate with my inner self, I was even able to reach the “spiritual me” but don’t worry I didn’t like that person so I wouldn’t be him in any ways :-D , so the point I’m trying to make is keeping a journal became a significant part in my life, it became a advisor of my life telling when to fight back and when to retreat, it became a doctor of my life keeping me in check of what and whatnot to do and eat, it became a gap filler of sorts, between me and my life, it helped me in carving a better piece of this world for myself and it made “life” clearer day by day so I think I would continue my life’s journey no matter a success or failure, no matter a interesting one or a boring one with my journal what’s more thrilling than revisiting the past three or so years of your life anytime you want, you can travel to any time of your life and get to feel again what you once felt.

Now I believe I’ve touched on the pro’s of keeping a journal well at least for myself, well if you want generalizations you might as well read tons of content about it over the internet, let me touch upon the con’s of journaling since everything in this world has two sides of a same coin there is a downside to keeping a journal . if we forget the objectivity of maintaining it every day we become self obsessed, and the diary pages we write simply becomes a vehicle of blame instead of solutions further the worst part is when, journaling actually makes you to sit back and observe the on goings of the world inside and outside yourself, if you are comfortable and committed with your diary you get to experience your life from both “A first person” and a “Third person perspective” but if you linger too much you become a passive observer of your own life, you let the life take control and you stop pulling the reins of your own life , that’s when you live so much in your head.

So if you use journaling to stay in control of your own life, to be self aware of yourself all the time without losing the objectivity then definitely writing a diary would be your perfect companion and would help in dealing with all the short comings, emotional triggers, stress and fears in life it helps you stay composed in the most desperate moments of your life and helps you in communicating with your inner self and learn about yourself a lot and It gives you the answers of life.

Maybe the journey isn’t much about becoming something but it’s about learning about yourself and unbecoming everything you’re not and becoming your true self.

