Learn About LED Lighting

Arvent Light
2 min readJun 29, 2022


The ones who come across the concept “Led Lighting” frequently but don’t know what it is or how it works!

As Arvent Light, Today, we will give information about our field of specialization: LED Lighting!

What is LED Lighting? Why is it becoming popular?

LED stands for light-emitting diode. Let’s describe “the diode” before LED!

A diode is an electrical device or component that provides an electric current to flow through in just one direction. They are always polarized and a diode has two terminals. One is the anode which is the positive side. The other one is the cathode which is the negative side. Characteristically, electric current flows in through the anode and gets out through the cathode. Diodes are generally made from semi-conductive materials such as silicon or selenium. LEDs are the shining stars of the diode family.

A light-emitting diode, which is a semiconductor device, emits visible light and lights up with some brilliant colors when proper electrical current flows through it. An LED consists of two layers of crystal. These layers are produced in a controlled and clean environment and are attached tightly to each other. Thus, each of the layers has exactly the right chemical composition. When connected to a circuit in the right way, LEDs compose light when the electrons that construct the electric current pass from one material into the other.

LED lights differ from traditional lighting in many ways. When designed well, LED lighting is more efficient, versatile, and lasts longer. They are also an eco-friendly alternative to incandescents and fluorescents. LED is the way forward for businesses that aim to reduce their long-term energy costs and carbon footprint.

LED colors generally include amber, red, green, and blue. To get white light, different colors of LEDs are combined or covered with a phosphor material that converts the color of the light into “white” light.

Using LEDs is more advantageous compared to the other lighting solutions. But, how? In our next article, we are going to explain benefits of the LEDs. Stay tuned to Arvent Light and get a lot information about the Lighting Sector.

To have more information about LEDs and other lighting products, explore our website and follow Arvent Light on our Social Media Accounts..


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