1 Reason Why We Should Focus More On Giving Value To Our Audience

Arvin A.
3 min readFeb 28, 2018


Toast By Arvin A.

Concentrate On Partaking Inspiring Messages That Transforms Actions To Habits

This is a secret. A secret to the world’s greatest technique on how to influence people.

The first aspect in tackling influence; is people. The very people whom we regard as to be our friends or associates.

We immensely anticipate our crowd to take part on our creation of content. For the sole reason, that they are the greatest influence why we are crafting our work.

You need to communicate. Unless, you’re not willing to be heard.

It’s a two-way street; front and back, left and right. One cannot cross when one is on halt.

From an old proverb, which almost everyone knows;

“It takes two to tango.”

Steering The Society To Value Giving.

We strive to give more value to every word we say. We make sure that what we say relates to all readers who consumes our personal blogs.

We have different outlooks; we have different opinions; we have several protests; we dislike what others like; but we still crave for that value that writers create which often are true to its form.

We try to connect as much as possible.

We long for the rapport that builds a society.

We accord to the importance of concreting a friendship.

But in order to fully deliver the value on what our audience digs most; We need to extend our hands to consumers.

We ask for feedbacks and important talking points to keep our writing up and running.

Join This Involvement Act.

Based on a study conducted by a Telephone Company; they made a detailed investigation to determine what word is frequently used and here’s what they found out: At a total number of 500 telephone calls, they found that the personal pronoun, “I” was used for 3,900 times.

It certainly describes how self-centered people can be.

If you want to influence people. If you want to solidify your current relationship. If you want to give importance to every words you say. If you want to share a deeper sentiment to every action you make.

Then, I suggest that you take time to be involved with people.

I mean, involve in their daily routine and be interested in their passion.

Here’s a personal experience that I’ve been in for the past weeks.

We are all accustomed to security guards roaming the shopping mall, the parking guy who gives us ticket, the old man who sells his bundle of brooms by the street, the boy who sold you your morning coffee, the gal who is waiting tables during your lunch break, and all other people who walks with and beside you.

Who among us gave the time to give a little chat; to compliment the way people deliver their service to us, the way they dress, the color of her scarf, or even give a bright beaming smile.

Me and my girlfriend tried to get out of our way to reach out to a security personnel from our community which we pass by all day everyday; we gave him a slice of pizza which we spared supposedly for take home.

Instantly, he gave the happiest smile that he could give; followed by a “thank you with a shaking hand”.

No doubt; he greets us everyday with a joyous “Good Day and Take Care”, whenever we came by.

And we made a new friend.

This is how you start to create an impactful audience. An audience who participates, and dissipates good deeds to the community.

Keep them interested, by being interested in them.

You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.

— Dale Carnegie

Add a personal touch of “Good Day,_____” to someone you knew when you pass by.

Make other people feel; you actually care about them.

Did you manage to make someone smile today?

Click the “👏 clap” button if you love this. And drop by my profile for more stories.



Arvin A.

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