Programming language for blockchain development

3 min readJan 10, 2023


What programming language should you use for blockchain development?

Best Engineering Colleges in Jaipur Rajasthan has many language courses, so blockchain development is the most common question many businesses ask themselves when deciding which programming language to adopt for blockchain development projects, Also Blockchain is a new technology that has gained popularity in recent years and The technology allows fast and easy transactions between various parties on the internet without third-party intermediaries.

So let’s Start! The Best Blockchain Programming Languages

1. Solidity

As we all know it is a new and exciting blockchain programming language gaining popularity over the past few years. Especially with its ability to develop Apps, many businesses are choosing this programming language, also it is a high-level programming language like JavaScript, C++, and Python Like other common languages.

Key Features

  • ·Solidity is developer friendliness.
  • ·This can be used for programming smart contracts on other platforms like Monax.
  • ·It also has accessibility the JavaScript infrastructures, debuggers, and other tools.
  • ·Statically typed programming.
  • ·Inheritance properties in smart contracts.
  • ·It gives you precise accuracy

Examples of blockchain projects Solidity:

  • ·Ethereum
  • ·Chainlink
  • ·Sushiswap
  • ·Compound Protocol


It is one of the best blockchain programming languages for smart contracts also It is classic programming, and developers employ it to develop countless applications and games it is used in one way or another in almost all web systems, leaving developers free to manage app logic and dodging the need to focus on integration so It offers programmers the flexibility to write code that can be used on other systems as well, also as we all know Java’s excellent code portability is the primary reason why several blockchain companies use Java to develop their applications.

Key Features

  • ·The facility of memory cleaning.
  • ·Availability of extensive libraries.

Examples of blockchain projects Java:

  • ·NEM
  • ·IOTA
  • ·Ethereum
  • ·NEO
  • ·Hyperledger
  • ·Fabric


Python is a preferred language for developing smart contracts and blockchain-based projects also It’s often used in crypto exchange development, even though it can be easily extended to work with other cryptocurrencies as well As per TIOBE and PYPL ratings, Python has seized the opportunity to be in the top five blockchain development languages in 2023, so it can be robust and versatile language that can reduce development time.

Key Features:

  • ·Python gives access to dynamic architecture.
  • ·Language for base and scripting approaches.
  • ·It offers open-source support.
  • ·In Python, blockchain coding is efficient for prototyping.

Examples of blockchain projects Python:

  • ·Hyperledger
  • ·Fabric
  • ·Ethereum
  • ·NEO
  • ·Steemit


GoLang is a compiled multithreaded programming language developed internally at Google also It allows for different processes to run simultaneously, which means that it can handle multiple parts of blockchain concurrently and effectively and Extremely fast with accessible maintenance features makes Go the perfect choice when distributing your App on Ethereum’s network as well.

Key Features

  • Golang is user-friendly, scalable, and offers high speed.
  • C++, Java, and Python are reliable and fun languages for development

Examples of blockchain projects Golang:

  • ·GoChain
  • ·Dero
  • ·Loom Network
  • ·Ethereum
  • ·Hyperledger Fabric


Top Colleges of Engineering in Jaipur Rajasthan has good faculty for this language, It is one of the top languages for building blockchain apps also It’s easy to manipulate blocks and chains with this code, making C++ a perfect choice when you need complete control over your system resources and The power of C++ lies in its flexibility and ease of use also It provides a wide range of control over how you want to handle your code, so giving full access or just some limited aspects that suit your needs so It is a crucial programming language that developers used to code bitcoins.

Key Features

  • ·It has efficient CPU management and memory control.
  • ·Can move semantics for copying data effectively.

Examples of blockchain projects C++

  • ·Monero
  • ·Ripple
  • ·EOS
  • ·Stellar
  • ·Litecoin


Btech Colleges of Engineering in Jaipur Rajasthan says It was all about the best blockchain development languages ruling over the world of cryptocurrencies and smart contracts in 2023 also there are several different programming languages for developing blockchain-based products, also there are no clear winners among them, and it can be difficult to say which one is best in each situation as they all have their advantages depending on the project you’re working on, So you need to pick any of the languages as per your project’s requirements.

