Whitelabel Cryptocurrency Exchange Software Development

Arya Florence
2 min readMar 14, 2020


Blockchain App Factory is one of the industry leaders in the field of white-label cryptocurrency exchange software development. Cryptocurrency has taken the world by storm. Considered to be very futuristic, these digital currencies are secured cryptographically. BAF’s white label cryptocurrency exchange software development make them industry leaders.

Cryptocurrency development services enable you to develop your own coin and deploy them as utility or security coins

Utility coins These enable users to purchase existing products and/or services. Fundings are made through ICOs.

Security coins Security/Asset/equity-backed tokens or cryptos denote ownership of an asset, such as stock.

Their cryptocurrency development services consist of, and are not limited to the following:

  • 1. Cryptocurrency development
  • 2. Bitcoin software development
  • 3. Smart contracts development
  • 4. Smart contracts audit
  • 5. Crypto mining

Blockchain App Factory’s crypto services consist of the following:

  • 1. ICO development
  • 2. ICO marketing
  • 3. Wallet development
  • 5. Exchange software development

Their battle-tested model for conducting successful cryptocurrency development services include:

  • 1. Whitepaper creation and ideation
  • 2. ICO marketing and dashboard setup
  • 3. Initial coin offering open to all
  • 4. Wallet installation and coin drop

Their cryptocurrency development platforms include:

  • 1. Litecoin
  • 2. Bitcoin
  • 3. Primecoin
  • 4. Feathercoin
  • 5. Megacoin
  • 6. Ripple
  • 7. Aurora

BAF’s comprehensive experience in the cryptosphere and within blockchain development makes it the go-to solutions provider for white-label cryptocurrency exchange software development.

Originally published at https://www.knowpia.com.

