Speed ​​up Your Computer With Windows 7

Arya Garnet
6 min readJan 23, 2020


Microsoft Windows 7 Support Phone Number

Everyone wants a fast computer with Windows 7. This is especially true for people who play matches. How to speed up a computer running Windows 7 without paying for the arm and leg to increase speed.

Many things make a computer fast. The most important thing is to keep it clean. The completely new computer with Windows 7 resembles my two-car garage from 1985. During this time there is no problem with 2 cars. There are no cars now. There is no place because other things were written there.
Exactly the same applies to most computers. When they were bought, they were fast because they had no application. Over time, applications accumulated on the computer. We often use programs for a short time and then never again. However, these programs often contain resident components that slow down your computer. A clean computer is a fast computer. The cleaning method is the computer on which the second report focuses. The first step is therefore to estimate the Windows 7 factor. There are benchmarks and diagnostic applications that measure speed and performance. Although they do a good job, they are not a step towards what the computer user quickly believes. It responds to me quickly. Windows 7 includes a responsive measuring instrument called the Windows Experience Index. Currently, it is a measuring scale from 1.0 to 7.9. Recently purchased computers usually reach values ​​from 3.4 to 4.5.

To find the Windows Performance Indicator, click START, then point to COMPUTER, click the perfect mouse button (another mouse button), and then use the standard mouse click to launch PROPERTIES in the menu database. The overall rating is displayed in the center of the display. Click the Windows Experience Indicator indicator to have the best of the total number of ratings should reveal the rating for each of the Windows Experience Indicator categories.

The Windows Performance Index measures the speed of the processor, the performance, the speed of the graphics card on the desktop, the 3D game graphics card and the functionality of the company and the speed of hard disk transfer. Assesses the overall functioning of a personal computer because of the lowest score in any of these categories. Such programs typically perform in the range of 6.9 to 7.2 in terms of processor speed and memory. Basically, the processor and memory are not the main factors in quickly creating a computer with Windows 7. My laptop with a dual-core processor and 2.3 GHz Inter i3 memory runs in the range of 5.9 to 6.1. They rotate at 7200 rpm. This is usually twice the 3000 revolutions per minute at which engines motorize. Notebook drives can work at 5400 rpm. High-performance discs run at 10,000 rpm. So where does the emphasis on rotational speed come from? A huge part of disk performance is the time mechanically needed to transfer the disk read/write mechanism. Part of the mechanical performance lies in the rotational speed of this drive. 5400 rpm satellite drives are slower than 7200 rpm. Many SATA drives have a Windows performance indicator of 5.6 to 5.9.

What remains is the graphics card performance. That is the area that makes the Windows experience index run in the 3.4 to 4.5 range.

How can we create a more responsive computer with Windows 7? Changing the processor and memory is expensive. They are probably already the fastest components. Changes do not make sense. In Windows XP, increasing personal computer memory from 256 MB or 512 MB to 3 GB or 4 GB significantly increases performance. Windows 7 64-bit Edition can use over 6 GB. My computer has 16 GB of memory. But program programs mainly consist of the use of no more than 4 GB or memory. So most 16 GB of memory is fresh. It now appears that my computer is using 10 GB of memory.

A faster disk allows you to improve your response time. This requires disk replacement. Two disks can improve functionality: 1). Solid-state drives (without moving parts) and two. Both types of drives are expensive, and SSDs are the most expensive. Solid-state drives also wear out over time (several years) depending on usage. The larger the SSD, the faster it will wear. SSDs would be the fastest drives because there are no mechanical components.

One strategy of a disk drive is to get a 128 MB SSD, which only Windows 7 along with programs, and put the remaining data on another larger SATA disk. Windows supports both Windows paging files and temporary document storage. These areas are constantly used by Windows to store and retrieve information while working on a computer. The faster creation of this storage and download process makes Windows more responsive. Word, Excel, Pictures and Music files saved on another slower disk do not make a computer with Windows 7 system much less responsive, because we expect a delay each time we recover one of these files. Has a Windows 6.8 performance indicator. All my data is saved on 1 TB SATA drives with Windows 5.9. I haven’t tested 10,000 drives per minute yet to determine their Windows Experience rate. The Windows Performance Index is not published for any drives, because it partly depends on the motherboard and the processor to which the drive is connected.

The final place is graphics cards. Because their Windows Experience Indicator is low, they offer the best potential for promotion. Graphics cards are sold with higher performance chips (chipsets) usually at ATI or Nvidia. They have graphics memory on the card. Fast graphics and more memory on the card can speed up and make games more responsive. They should produce 3D images for business and Windows Experience Index games above.

Compared to cards that use high 3D performance and low desktop performance, our computer may not make our computer respond as fast as we expect. How we use our computer may also be important. In my situation, I operate four (4) monitors, each with a resolution of 1920 by 1200. Therefore, having two DVI connectors on the graphics card is important because I want two graphics cards to support four screens. Configuring cards for responsive performance requires the computer motherboard to have image card slots (Peripheral Connect Interface Express — PCI Express connectors) that work at maximum PCI Express (16X speed) from both slots simultaneously.

The last problem is the graphics card’s memory port. The port can be 64-bit, 128-bit, 256-bit or larger. Here a larger number is better. If you are a player and you have the best-working chips (chipset) on a graphics card that has only a 64-bit port, you can learn about the game features less than expected. As a player (except for Solitaire) I can be wrong here. For four monitors, a $ 100 card with a 256-bit memory interface gives a Windows 6.8 performance indicator for Windows Desktop and 3D graphics performance. Finding a great and affordable graphic card requires a look from the specifications, especially the mouse. Cards using a 320-bit or newer memory interface can be quite expensive.

The previous part of performance is the web interface. Computers with a 100 Mb / s or 1 Gb / s interface are typical. Not much if some computers run at the first 10 Mbps Ethernet speed. Speed ​​is not very important here. Internet speeds are usually slower. Verizon FIOS speeds are often slower than 35 Mb / s. This is below 100 Mb / s for most computer Ethernet interfaces. So what is important to understand the functionality of the network? It’s simple, when the network is not working well, a computer with Windows 7 slows down to index the cochlea. With a malfunctioning network interface (or any universal serial port — USB port), it looks like someone has spilled liquid nitrogen on the computer, so it’s frozen. This can also happen when the batteries in the mouse are low.

So responsive Windows 7 is more determined by the graphics card memory and performance port, compared to processor speed, memory speed, and disk speed. Any problems with the network, USB or mouse usually prevent everything. It also helps keep your computer clean from unused and resident software.

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Arya Garnet

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