With 7 tricks, Google will be your most powerful tool in your career

2 min readJan 9, 2022


Thanks to Rajeshwar Bachu for the image

Well … Well … there is not a day where I have to search for an information on Google. I don’t know about you but the average person conducts between three and four searches each day. I think I do much more than that.

Sometimes it’s easy, I find directly what I was looking for, sometimes it’s just impossible, and I mean it.

1. Quotation marks

Put quotes around search terms to let you search exactly for that word.


All results will have the word “banana” in it.

You can also use a series of words such as :

"Joseph Chet Redmon"

Here you will find all the results having exactly “Jospeh Chet Redom” and not Joseph or Chet or Redmon.

2. Dashes

If you want to exclude a term from your search, include a space and a hyphen before that word.

dolphins -football

Here you just want dolphins the animal not dolphins the professional football team.

3. Sites

Exact site

If you want to search for something on a specific site only. It can be useful if you remember you found something on a specific webite but cannot find the exact page.

caricature site:charliehebdo.fr

Here you will search for caricature only in the website of Charlie Hebdo.

Alternative sites

To search for websites similar to another website, simply use a search syntax like this.


In the above example, you will find alternative website to aws amazon.

4. Time

To search information related to some specific time. There is 3 ways to do so :

  1. Using two periods (..)
  2. before:[date]
  3. after:[date]
electric cars 1990..2005
electric cars before:2005
electric cars after:2022

5. Location

Find information and news related to a particular location.

emmanuel macron location:polynésie

This example is worth a real search on google.

6. Filetype

Search into some specific files (types).

Cloud Market Study filetype:pdf

So you avoid all the bait website and articles that are not reliable on the topic you’re looking for.

7. Use OR Operator

It basically merges two searches into one

"Netflix OR couscous"

In your result you will find Netflix website and then couscous recipes.

Bonus : Calculate & Convert currencies

You can simply use the search bar as a calculator.


Or convert currencies

3$ to €




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