Why do Cockpit Voice recordings give us chills while listening to them?

2 min readMay 20, 2024

It’s kind of surprising that one moment ago it was a group of healthy, skilled and talented people flying an aircraft happily and then suddenly everything goes so horribly wrong that even the most seasoned pilot out there becomes helpless in the gigantic sky and then everything suddenly comes to a halt. A silence in the abyss. That’s what has happened to almost all aircraft accidents. There are hardly any incidents where pilots survive.

This makes us realize how unpredictable life is. One moment you’re happy, living a happy life, and everything seems perfect and then suddenly everything comes to a halt and is done. This is a story that has unfortunately happened to the pilots and passengers of many aircraft incidents. No one expects their last moments to be in an aluminium tube. I was recently listening to the last words of the Pacific Southwest Airlines (PSA) Flight 182, it truly was disturbing. Pilots were preparing to land the plane when suddenly the Boeing 727 collided with a Cessna Skyhawk N7711G. All people on board both the planes and 7 people on the ground sadly lost their lives. By the time pilots on the 727 realised what had happened, it was too late. The plane loses control and crashes near the airport. It’s the cockpit Voice Recording that will send shivers down your spine. The last words of the helpless pilots on the Boeing 727 were “Oh, this is it, baby!” and “Ma, I love ya”. None of the pilots and passengers on both the planes and the people who lost their lives on the ground were expecting that morning to be their last morning. All those precious lives were lost in just one instant blast. Talented youngsters, happy elders, and working professionals were lost that day.

Final moment of the 727 before impacting the ground

Aviation has now become extremely safe and a great way to travel. But unfortunate incidents like these which made it safer over time. Accidents still occur in aviation but are a lot less fatal and strict measures are taken every single second to make it even more safe. Happy Flying and Stay Safe! And most importantly, live your life to the fullest.

