How is that OK?

Aryana B. Londir
5 min readOct 4, 2019
“How is that OK?”©Aryana B. Londir, Digital Photography

In my last post, I wrote about the concept of allowing…allowing for new experiences, allowing for vulnerability, allowing for the opportunity to face a new world in a place in which I don’t speak the language, know how to convert money, know a lot about the culture, know a lot about the demographics, know about how to even get around. And I was going to put myself in that situation for thirty days. What’s the worst that can happen?

Today is my seventh day of what was supposed to be a thirty day adventure. Yes, what was “supposed to be,” yet turned out to be an aborted adventure. It will amount to a nine day adventure.

I research. A lot. Since this was to be a new type of adventure, I really researched. Joined a Yahoo discussion group comprised of people who either visit or are expats in this particular city, San Miguel de Allende. I spoke with people who have visited, subscribed to a well known international publication and read up on the demographics, culture, population, climate and whatever else I could find.

Since I was planning on staying for a month, I decided to integrate myself into the community by renting an airbnb apartment. I chose to be a bit out of the city as I heard many times that it is a noisy city and events can go well into the night. Although I live in the fifth largest US city in a well populated central area of town, mixed residential…

