Streamlining Machine Learning Pipelines: Key Orchestration Tools for MLOps

Aryan Jadon
13 min readOct 29, 2023


Pipeline orchestration refers to the automation, coordination, and management of different stages in a machine learning (ML) workflow. These stages include data preprocessing, feature engineering, model training, validation, testing, and deployment.

Orchestrating Objects, Image By Mary Amato

Why Pipeline Orchestration is Essential for ML Project?

Pipeline orchestration is critical for several reasons, as it brings structure, automation, and efficiency to machine learning (ML) projects.
It assists in :

  1. Efficiency & Automation: Manual execution of ML tasks, from data preprocessing to model deployment, can be cumbersome and prone to errors. Orchestration automates these processes, reducing manual intervention and making the entire pipeline more efficient.
  2. Reproducibility: ML projects often require experimentation. Ensuring every experiment is reproducible (i.e., it can be rerun under the same conditions with the same results) is vital. Orchestration tools, often combined with versioning tools, guarantee that each step, from data processing to model training, can be consistently reproduced.
  3. Scalability: ML projects can grow in complexity, and the data involved can increase in volume. Orchestration tools help manage this growth by efficiently allocating resources and scaling tasks horizontally (across multiple machines) or vertically (using more powerful machines) as needed.
  4. Consistency: When different team members work on various project parts, inconsistencies can arise. Orchestration ensures that every step in the pipeline adheres to a consistent set of practices and standards, leading to more predictable outcomes.
  5. Error Handling & Recovery: ML workflows can sometimes fail, whether due to data issues, software bugs, or infrastructure problems. Orchestration tools can detect failures, notify the appropriate parties, and even attempt to retry or recover from specific errors automatically.
  6. Scheduling: Some tasks in the ML pipeline might need to run at specific times or intervals. Orchestration tools allow for scheduling, ensuring that tasks like model retraining or data updates occur when they’re supposed to.
  7. Parallel Execution: Some tasks within the ML workflow can run simultaneously because they don’t depend on one another. Orchestration allows for parallel execution of these tasks, speeding up the workflow.
  8. Resource Management: ML tasks, especially training, can be resource-intensive. Orchestration tools ensure that computational resources (like CPU, GPU, and memory) are optimally allocated, utilized, and freed up when no longer needed.
  9. Monitoring & Logging: Continuous monitoring and logging are crucial for understanding how ML workflows are performing, diagnosing issues, and making improvements. Orchestration tools often come with built-in monitoring and logging capabilities.
  10. Collaboration: ML projects often involve cross-functional teams, including data engineers, data scientists, ML engineers, and DevOps professionals. Orchestration facilitates collaboration among these groups by providing a unified framework and platform for executing ML workflows.
  11. Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): MLOps emphasizes the need for ML projects to have CI/CD practices similar to traditional software projects. Orchestration tools can integrate with CI/CD platforms to enable continuous model training, testing, and deployment.
  12. Cost Efficiency: Especially in cloud environments, leaving resources running unnecessarily can lead to increased costs. Orchestration ensures that resources are used judiciously, leading to cost savings.

Essentially, pipeline orchestration in MLOps streamlines the entire ML lifecycle, ensuring that projects are more manageable, predictable, scalable, and cost-effective. Given the complexity and dynamism of ML projects, having an orchestration layer is almost indispensable for any organization serious about deploying ML solutions at scale.

List of Pipeline Orchestration Tools

  1. Apache Airflow
Apache Airflow Logo, Image Source — Wikipedia

Apache Airflow is an open-source platform designed to programmatically author, schedule, and monitor workflows. It was initially developed by Airbnb in 2014 and later became a part of the Apache Software Foundation. Airflow has since become one of the go-to solutions for orchestrating complex computational workflows and data processing pipelines.

Consider using it if:

  • You’re looking to visualize production pipelines.
  • You aim to produce pipelines dynamically via Python code.
  • You need ETL pipelines to aggregate batch data from various sources and implement data transformations.
  • You seek to automate the training of machine learning models.
  • You aim to design workflows as DAGs (Direct Acyclic Graphs) with each node representing a task.
  • You prefer configuring pipelines using Python code.
  • You have a requirement to execute a task across multiple workers supervised by Celery, Dask, or Kubernetes.
  • You need to set time constraints for tasks or workflows to detect anomalies or inefficiencies.
  • You desire a user-friendly interface and development environment.

However, be cautious as:

  • It orchestrates batch workflows based on time schedules.
  • Airflow isn’t suited for event-driven jobs.
  • There’s no built-in versioning for pipelines in Airflow.
  • To safely handle production workloads demands extensive user customization.
  • By default, Airflow employs SQLite, posing potential data loss risks in production settings.
  • Out of the box, Airflow executes tasks serially, running one task at a time.

2. Prefect

Prefect Logo, Image Source — Prefect Github Repo

Prefect is an open-source workflow management system, often compared to Apache Airflow. It’s designed to build, schedule, and monitor complex workflows and data pipelines. Prefect was developed with the primary goal of addressing some of the limitations and pain points that users encountered with other workflow systems, including Airflow.

Consider using it if:

  • You aim to design workflows using DAGs (Direct Acyclic Graphs).
  • You prefer to characterize workflows as independent entities.
  • You require swift scheduling for your DAGs.
  • You seek to precisely specify input and output for each job, enhancing data transfer between tasks.
  • You wish to cache and retain inputs and outputs.
  • You’re looking for a transform function that can handle reference (batch) and real-time data.
  • You desire a convenient method for developing dynamic workflows.
  • You intend to produce pipelines via Python programming.
  • You aim to streamline ML workflow processes.

However, be cautious as:

  • The distinction between computation and storage is not expansive, which can complicate local development, especially with sizable datasets.

3. Dagster

Dagster is an open-source data orchestrator that provides a programming model for building, testing, deploying, and monitoring data workflows. Unlike traditional workflow engines that focus solely on execution, Dagster introduces the concept of a “data application” to encompass the entire data processing lifecycle, including development, deployment, and monitoring.

Dagster Logo, Image Source — Dagster Github Repo

Consider using it if:

  • You aim to design workflows using DAGs (Direct Acyclic Graphs).
  • You seek versatility in running DAGs, including manual execution, scheduling, and customizing individual tasks based on timing.
  • You prefer precisely specifying inputs and outputs for each job, enhancing data transfer between tasks.
  • You desire a straightforward method for developing dynamic workflows.
  • You intend to produce pipelines via Python programming.
  • You aim to streamline ML workflow processes.
  • You wish to separate computation and storage abstractions distinctly.

4. Kubeflow

Kubeflow Logo, Image Source — Kubeflow Github Repo

Kubeflow is an open-source project that aims to make it easier for users to deploy, orchestrate, monitor, and run scalable machine learning (ML) workflows on Kubernetes. Kubernetes is a popular container orchestration system, and Kubeflow extends its capabilities to address the needs of machine learning workloads specifically.

Consider using Kubeflow if:

  • You’re seeking a comprehensive pipeline orchestration solution tailored for ML workloads on Kubernetes.
  • You desire a platform-agnostic tool that works across various cloud providers.
  • You need a system that encompasses all stages of the ML lifecycle.
  • You aim to execute Jupyter Notebooks using GPU resources and collaborative data storage solutions.
  • You wish for computing resources that automatically adjust according to your workload demands.
  • You’re planning to move ML models into a production environment.

However, be cautious of the following:

  • Its vast array of configuration choices demands a deep understanding and iterative testing to fine-tune the setup.
  • Stability concerns can emerge due to interdependencies between components and potential version mismatches. Updates to one component can inadvertently disrupt others.
  • Kubeflow assumes that your containers reside in cloud-based container registries.

5. Ray

Ray Logo, Image Source — Ray Github Repo

Ray is an open-source, distributed computing system developed by the RISELab at UC Berkeley. It is designed to provide both efficient and flexible primitives for concurrent and distributed computing, making it particularly suited for building applications that require high performance and scalability. While Ray can be used for various distributed computing tasks, it has gained significant traction in the machine learning and AI communities.

Consider using Ray if:

  • You’re aiming to distribute your machine-learning calculations over multiple systems.
  • You’re seeking a versatile distributed computing framework that handles diverse tasks and isn’t confined to organized data.
  • You wish to effortlessly transition your code from a single device to a full-scale cluster.
  • You value libraries facilitating model training, optimizing hyperparameters, designing workflows, and deploying models.

6. Luigi

Luigi Logo, Image Source — Luigi Github Repo

Luigi is an open-source Python module that helps to orchestrate long-running batch processes, particularly for data pipeline tasks. Developed by Spotify, Luigi aids in building complex pipelines of batch jobs, handling dependency resolution, workflow management, and visualizations, among other features.

Consider using Luigi if:

  • You wish to monitor live pipelines.
  • You’re inclined towards designing pipelines using Python.
  • You deal with extended operations like data transfer to/from databases or executing ML algorithms.
  • You aim to establish sequential task workflows with interconnected input and output channels.
  • You prefer task sequences where targets indicate the flow and exchange of information.
  • You value the ability to shape pipelines programmatically with Python.
  • You seek mechanisms to resume failed tasks without initiating the entire pipeline anew.
  • You appreciate an intuitive visualization tool.
  • You desire a graphical interface reflecting task statuses.

However, be mindful of the following limitations:

  • Testing can be cumbersome.
  • The centralized scheduling model can complicate task parallelization.
  • It is most effective for sequential tasks where one’s output feeds into another. Complex branching can decelerate performance.
  • The absence of automatic triggers means pipelines won’t initiate even when all prerequisites are met. An external procedure, like a cron job, is necessary to verify prerequisites and launch the pipeline.

7. ZenML

ZenMl Logo, Image Source — ZenMl Github Repo

ZenML is an open-source machine learning operations (MLOps) framework that aims to make it easier for data scientists and developers to build reproducible ML pipelines. By emphasizing the MLOps principles, ZenML focuses on the post-modeling stage of machine learning, providing tools to ensure that models can be trained, evaluated, deployed, and monitored in a consistent and scalable way.

Consider ZenML if:

  • You aim to build ML pipelines that are consistent and repeatable across various production environments.
  • You’re seeking an open-source solution integrating pipeline orchestration with artifact and metadata management for production-grade workflows.
  • You require a platform-independent framework with the flexibility to incorporate various tools.
  • You’re transitioning workflows from on-premises infrastructure to the cloud and wish to maintain the integrity of your pipelines and their constituent steps.
  • You prefer an orchestrator that remains efficient and unobtrusive in its operations.

However, be aware that:

  • The scalability of your pipelines will be contingent upon the capabilities of the backend tools you implement.
  • It currently lacks support for workflow declaration through Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) or step-based configurations.

8. Argo Workflows

Argo Workflows Logo, Image Source — Argo Workflows Github Repo

Argo Workflows is an open-source container-native workflow engine for orchestrating parallel jobs on Kubernetes. It is part of the Argo Project, which includes other tools like Argo CD for continuous delivery, Argo Events for event-driven workflows, and Argo Rollouts for progressive delivery. Argo Workflows is specifically designed to facilitate the deployment and management of complex jobs and workflows in Kubernetes environments.

Opt for Argo Workflows if:

  • You are keen on visualizing the execution of pipelines in a production setting.
  • Your preference leans towards defining pipelines with YAML scripting.
  • Your goal involves deploying machine learning models effectively.
  • You are inclined to use containerization and Kubernetes for building and delivering distributed systems.
  • You desire to structure workflows using the DAGs methodology.
  • You expect each workflow task to run in its own isolated Kubernetes pod.
  • You need a workflow tool that seamlessly integrates Kubernetes-native services such as secrets management, role-based access control, and persistent storage.
  • You are looking to specify and manage your infrastructure using YAML configurations.
  • You require robustness against container failures.
  • You are interested in orchestrating workflows triggered by time-based schedules or external events.
  • You are looking for a solution that supports dynamic scaling of resources.
  • You want a workflow tool that can be effortlessly added to your Kubernetes environment.

However, keep in mind that:

  • Managing complex YAML configurations for extensive projects can become challenging.
  • A thorough understanding of Kubernetes is essential to ensure safe production operations.
  • Administering a large-scale, corporate-level setup can get intricate.

9. Kedro

Kedro Logo, Image Source — Kedro Github Repo

Kedro is an open-source Python framework that provides a standardized way to build data and machine learning (ML) pipelines. It is designed to enable the construction of reproducible, maintainable, and modular data science code.

Choose Kedro when:

  • You need a framework capable of handling the complexities of both data engineering and data science processes in a unified manner.
  • You require a data science platform that enhances collaborative efforts within a shared code repository.
  • Your preference is to define pipelines programmatically using Python.
  • You want to gain insights into data pipeline structure and flow through visualization.
  • You aim to run tasks concurrently for more streamlined and efficient processing.
  • You seek to organize and manage your datasets with the help of data catalogs.

However, be mindful that:

  • Implementing data catalogs can be challenging if your current data handling practices involve unstructured data processes, such as flat files and manual data transfers.

10. Flyte

Flyte Logo, Image Source — Flyte Github Repo

Flyte is an open-source, container-native, structured programming and distributed processing platform that enables highly concurrent, scalable, and maintainable workflows for machine learning and data processing. It is designed to create workflows that are easy to deploy at scale and allow for the tracking of complex data and algorithmic pipelines.

Turn to Flyte for:

  • Constructing ML pipelines that are reproducible and ready for production use.
  • Employing a resilient and fault-tolerant system with automatic fault recovery capabilities.
  • Utilizing an open-source Kubernetes-native platform for workflow automation.
  • Benefiting from a cloud-independent infrastructure that is compatible with a variety of tools.
  • Working with a platform that provides SDKs for Python, Java, and Scala.
  • Managing a system that inherently comprehends the data flow across various tasks.
  • Ensuring robust performance, even in unconventional deployment scenarios or during the orchestration of extensive workflows.
  • Structuring workflows with either DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) or step-based configurations.

11. Pachyderm

Pachyderm Logo, Image Source — Pachyderm Github Repo

Pachyderm is an open-source data science platform that provides version-controlled data processing and data lineage for machine learning and data analysis workflows. It’s built on Kubernetes and is designed to handle the challenges of data management in ML workflows.

Consider employing a Pachyderm when:

  • You need a solution adept at managing data versioning along with the automation of data pipelines.
  • You prefer a tool that is indifferent to programming languages and utilizes JSON or YAML for the creation and setup of its resources.

12. Kestra

Kestra Logo, Image Source — Kestra Github Repo

Kestra is an open-source orchestration and scheduling platform designed to build, run, and monitor complex data pipelines. It allows developers and data engineers to create workflows that are data-driven and event-based, which is essential for modern data processing tasks that often require real-time decision-making and processing.

Employ Kestra for scenarios where:

  • A versatile workflow orchestrator is needed, which can be deployed on-premises, within a Kubernetes environment, or housed within a Docker container.
  • Pipelines need to be specified using a declarative syntax in YAML.
  • A data orchestration tool is required, adept at managing both ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) and ELT (Extract, Load, Transform) workflows.
  • You need a system that can efficiently handle tasks in parallel or within branched sequences.
  • There’s a necessity for pipeline scheduling that is responsive to APIs, preset timings, detections, and specific events.
  • Monitoring and tracking the performance and efficiency of pipeline operations is essential.
  • You aim to utilize Terraform for the provisioning and management of cloud-based resources.
  • A user-friendly interface that aids developers in pipeline management is desired.

Be mindful that:

  • Deploying production-grade workflows may necessitate the establishment of a Kubernetes cluster.


As we’ve seen throughout this two-part series, the landscape of orchestration tools for MLOps is both diverse and rich with options. Each tool we’ve explored offers a unique blend of features designed to streamline the development, deployment, and maintenance of machine learning pipelines. Whether you value scalability, ease of use, or specific integrations, there’s a tool out there to fit your project’s needs.

We must remember, however, that no tool is a silver bullet. Successful MLOps is as much about the processes and practices as it is about the technology that enables it. As we navigate the complexities of managing machine learning pipelines, it is the thoughtful application of these tools — aligned with our teams’ skills and our projects’ goals — that will lead us to success.

I encourage you to delve further into the tools that have piqued your interest, test them in your environment, and engage with their communities. Your journey towards efficient and robust MLOps is just beginning, and the tools we’ve discussed are your companions on this path.

As always, stay tuned for future posts where we’ll dive deeper into specific use cases, advanced configurations, and best practices for getting the most out of your chosen orchestration tools. If you have experiences or insights you’d like to share, or if there’s a particular aspect of MLOps you’re curious about, please leave a comment below. Let’s continue the conversation and grow together.



