How To Use Ultrasonic Transducer: Explained in Easy Steps

Aryan Singh Chandel
2 min readAug 9, 2022


he frequency is defined as the total number of waves or signals that emerge in a certain interval of time and is calculated in Hertz (Hz). The frequency band is altered and adjusted based on frequency levels based on how to use ultrasonic transducers. Ultrasound is defined as a sound that is louder beyond the human hearing range and has a frequency band of more than 20 kHz. An ultrasonic transducer and ultrasonic sensor are devices that can create or perceive ultrasound.

What Is An Ultrasonic Transducer?

An Ultrasonic Transducer is a capacitance or piezoelectric transducer that can transfer electrical power to ultrasound energy and back. This ultrasound or ultrasonic wave has a frequency spectrum range of over 20 kHz, and it is employed at 200 kHz depending on how to use ultrasonic transducer.

Due to the obvious shorter wavelength of the ultrasound, these are utilised in non-destructive testing, measuring materials, and finding minor flaws. These are crucial in sensors that detect level and flow, calculate distance, and are used in medical, electrical, as well as other ultrasonic applications. It has different functions in a variety of fields regarding how to use ultrasonic transducer.

Where Is An Ultrasonic Transducer Used?

Ultrasonic transducers detect objects in close proximity using ultrasound waves over 20 kHz, similar to how bats use echolocation to avoid collision with barriers. Ultrasonic sensors are widely utilised in the automotive industry for ADAS (Advanced Driver-Assistant Systems) technologies, particularly parking assist, where 4–16 sensors are employed to identify impediments while parking a car. Ultrasonic sensors are utilised in robotics as well as other applications that require accurate detection, vicinity, or positioning detection in the industrial sector.

Ultrasonic Transducer Working Principle

Before dwelling on how to use ultrasonic transducer, let us learn about its working principle. The sensor can detect the time difference between the transmission and reception echo. The acquired round-trip duration can be utilised to calculate the distance between the sensor and the subject because the velocity of sound is a known variable.

This ultrasonic sensing approach uses a time-of-flight measurement based on sound propagation time. It’s worth noting that the speed of sound through air changes with temperature. The speed of sound in dry air at 20°C (68°F) is 343 m/s or 2.91 seconds per kilometre.

Ultrasonic Distance Equation:

D = ½ * T * C


‘D’ — distance.

‘T’ — time difference between the transmission and reception of ultrasonic waves

‘C’ — sonic velocity

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