how to deal with a narcissist__in life and relationships

aryen more
5 min readJul 6, 2023


Dealing with a narcissist in various fields and places, a narcissist is a very complex person and it is difficult to deal with him easily and he needs prior knowledge of how to deal with him.

Narcissistic personality disorder is not what we think it is. It has its pros and cons. Dealing with a narcissist is also difficult

Narcissist personality

Narcissism is mainly due to many things, the most important of which is that the narcissist suffered from a difficult childhood that was full of family problems and social problems, which are among the main factors that contribute to the formation of personality at a young age.

Not receiving the narcissistic personality (which is here a natural, innocent personality) any attention from the parents or any other party that caused him many problems in adolescence, including the social anxiety disorder that we talked about in our previous article (social anxiety disorder), not receiving attention at a young age is a cause for the narcissist problems He does not know how to solve it, and of course there was no one to help him out of these problems. All that social pressure and family problems that he was suffering from contributed to changing the narcissist’s thinking that no one deserves to be cared for but him, and that he has the right to be loved by everyone without caring for anyone.

how to deal with a narcissist boyfriend or girlfriend

You as a person in a relationship with a narcissistic person suffering from narcissistic personality disorder, dealing with him in the relationship is more difficult than others, as the narcissist always tries to impose himself on others in order to feel the greatness he needs.

Dealing with the narcissist in relationships is through the other party in the relationship trying to understand the narcissist more, to try to find out the reason behind his doing so, and you need a lot of patience in order to know the motives of the narcissist. And whoever wants to maintain the relationship must be patient and take into account the feelings of the narcissist. narcissist and deal with it properly.

The narcissistic personality in her heart suffers from a lack of interest in childhood, and when he reaches the age of majority and begins to get to know people and enter into relationships, his main goal in the relationship is attention, but pay attention, it is not mutual interest, he most often does not like the idea of ​​mutual interest, but rather wants All attention is for himself only so that he receives attention from the relationship and attention from himself as well.

Here the other party becomes dissatisfied with this relationship that was based on mutual interest and love, it has become one-sided, but I am telling you here that you can change this completely by guiding the narcissistic personality to the correct method in the relationship that is based on mutual love between the two, and you must To show him how he should exchange attention and love also with others, and that he should not be selfish in the relationship, and this depends on the other party who tries to help the narcissistic personality that he loves, as he is the one who can change the narcissistic personality for the better by guiding him to the correct method in relationships .

The other party in the relationship must have the patience and strength necessary to do so. The narcissistic personality will not allow you to enter his mind easily because he never shares his deep thoughts with anyone, but you still have to help him, and if he sees that you really want to help him, he will let you enter his world. And you will succeed in dealing with the narcissistic personality.

Dealing with a narcissist as a family member

Dealing with a narcissist as a family member is also possible, such as having a narcissistic brother and a narcissistic sister, as well as relatives.

The presence of a narcissist among the family does not constitute much change in the family, as the narcissist does not have much interaction with his family or its relatives because he is in his own world, and he is the one who manages it. His family and his narcissistic personality hide in the family, and of course the narcissist’s childhood with the family was not as normal as it should be, but rather (it was not only normal).

Dealing with a narcissist through a family member is useless most of the time, because a narcissist sticks to himself to a great degree that does not allow her to submit to anyone easily, and when a family member tries to deal with him, it is in the following form: because the narcissist will not submit to the opinion of (his brother, his sister) , his father, his mother, a relative) who is the individual does not differentiate because he will not submit to them.

The solution is for a third party outside the family to advise and have a great position with the narcissist and be able to convince him and deal with him.

There are special cases, as the narcissist has a special family member who respects and appreciates the narcissist and has great loyalty to him. This person, if found, can deal with the narcissist in an excellent way.

Well, now you have two solutions, either to mediate with an external party, a person outside the family who can deal with a narcissist, or in special cases, a family member who can deal with a narcissistic personality, either you try personally with the narcissist, this is a waste of your time, you will not be able to deal with him.

how to deal with a narcissistic father

Having a narcissistic father can be challenging and even traumatic. Here are some tips for dealing with a narcissistic father:

Set boundaries: It’s important to establish clear boundaries with your father. Let him know what behaviors are not acceptable and what the consequences will be if he crosses those boundaries.

Don’t take it personally: Remember that your father’s behavior is not a reflection of your worth or value as a person. Narcissists often treat others poorly to boost their own ego and sense of superiority.

Seek support: Narcissistic behavior can be emotionally draining and isolating. Consider seeking support from friends, family, or a therapist who can provide a safe and non-judgmental space to process your feelings.

Practice self-care: Taking care of yourself is crucial when dealing with a narcissistic father. Set aside time for activities that bring you joy and prioritize your physical and emotional well-being.

Consider professional help: If your father’s behavior is causing significant distress or interfering with your daily life, it may be helpful to seek the guidance of a mental health professional.

Remember that you are not alone in dealing with a narcissistic father, and that you have the right to prioritize your own well-being.



aryen more

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