Tale of unleashed Myth & Legend — Paradise Lost

Arzoo Naz
3 min readJan 17, 2024


Milton's Paradise Lost

Once upon a time, in a world where the realms of reality and imagination intersected, there lived a brilliant poet named John Milton. As a master of words, he possessed a gift to weave extraordinary tales that transcended the boundaries of time itself. But little did he know that his latest creation would become a living myth, unfolding mysteriously parallel to the story he feverishly inscribed.

In the depths of his study, Milton delved into the ancient texts of forgotten times, seeking inspiration for his monumental work, Paradise Lost. His quill danced upon the parchment, breathing life into the characters who would forever carve their names into the annals of literature.

Within the realms of Milton's creation, the first man and woman came into existence. He named them Aiden and Iva, modeling them after the biblical Adam and Eve. Aiden, an embodiment of innocence and curiosity, wandered through the lush Garden of Eden, his eyes wide with wonder. Iva, radiating grace and wisdom, was crafted as his perfect companion.

As Milton crafted their story, his words had an inexplicable power that echoed across the boundaries of reality. The scenes he painted so vividly on the pages began to materialize, seeping into the very fabric of existence.

Aiden and Iva, unaware of their literary origins, lived their lives in blissful ignorance. Every emotion they experienced and every decision they made aligned perfectly with Milton's grand vision. It was as if fate itself had bound their destinies to the quill strokes of the poet's pen.

Yet, as the harmonious symphony between the real world and Milton's imagination played out, a darkness began to stir. The fallen angel Lucifer, depicted by Milton as the epitome of pride and rebellion, grew envious of the idyllic existence of Aiden and Iva. He sought to sow the seeds of disobedience and ignite the flame of chaos within their hearts.

With a sinister whisper, Lucifer enticed Aiden and Iva to taste the forbidden fruit, their meager resistance crumbling under his artful manipulation. As they succumbed to temptation, the delicate balance between the worlds of ink and reality trembled, threatening to collapse in on itself.

And so it came to pass that as Milton penned the climax of his tale, a cataclysmic shift occurred. The characters of Aiden and Iva were suddenly torn from the pages, their spirits materializing before a bewildered John Milton. They stood, flesh and blood, breathing life into the words he had so meticulously crafted.

Wide-eyed, Aiden and Iva gazed upon their creator, their realization mirrored in the poet's own astonishment. Together, they embarked on an extraordinary journey, striving to rewrite their destiny and mend the shattered tapestry of existence.

As they traveled through the realms, facing trials and tribulations, Aiden and Iva discovered their own strength and resilience, no longer bound by the constraints of scripted lines. They became the heroes of their own story, surpassing even Milton's exquisite imagination.

In a climactic twist, Aiden and Iva confronted Lucifer, their love serving as a shield against his malevolence. With a thunderous clash, they banished him back to the fictional confines of Paradise Lost, severing his grip on their intertwined fates.

As the worlds realigned, the story of Aiden and Iva merged seamlessly with Milton's masterpiece. Their actions, their love, and their triumph became a part of the collective human consciousness, forever etched in the annals of mythology.

With a smile of satisfaction, John Milton put the finishing touches on his grand opus, Paradise Lost. It became a timeless testament to the power of creation and the magic that can be unleashed when reality intertwines with fiction.

And so, dear reader, as you close the final pages of this tale, may you remember that even in the darkest of moments, there is always a glimmer of hope. For in the realm of myth and legend, where the lines between truth and imagination blur, anything is possible. And sometimes, the greatest stories are the ones that have the power to change our own.



Arzoo Naz

A passionate reader and researcher who loves writing about personality development, books, movies and literature. A learner of languages and a proud Indian.