PinnedOne Gets Lonelier The Longer One İs Not UnderstoodLoneliness is a very easy word to say with a single syllable, but the meaning it contains is very deep. Why is a person lonely, because he…Jan 2718Jan 2718
PinnedPublished inTürkiye YayınıAnlaşılmadığında Yalnızlaşır İnsanYalnızlık… Tek hece, söylenişi çok kolay ama içerdiği mana çok derin bir kelime. Peki, neden yalnızdır insan? İstediği için mi yoksa mecbur…Oct 87Oct 87
PinnedDon’t Give Up, Miracles Are On The Way…“Freedom means responsibility. That is why so many people do not dare to be free.” (George Bernard Shaw)May 311May 311
Published inTürkiye YayınıVazgeçmeyin, Mucizeler Yolda…“Özgürlük sorumluluk demektir. Bu yüzden pek çok insan özgür olmaya cesaret edemiyor.” (George Bernard Shaw)Oct 173Oct 173
What I Thought Was You May Be İn My HeartWhen I was a child and they asked me what I would wish for if I had a magic power, I said I would wish to be invisible and watch my loved…Feb 1012Feb 1012