Back to School.

Alberto Silva
2 min readJan 9, 2017


Take a look at my latest website update. Ready for 2017! Click HERE!

Tomorrow I’ll be waking up at 6am once more to get ready for school. Sorta excited though, this may be the first month of my path of six month to be over with school for good (or for now…). I wanted to do a quick blog before I get busy again. I’ll be taking 5 classes this term and six the next one. I am still a Foundation Intern for Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital and a part time job too. Well… enough about me let’s check out the goodies!

1. Portfolio Time

Check out this furniture portfolio. It so nice an clean. It may take a bit to load depending on your internet conection and browser (well… thats not…good?)

2. Banksy!

If you don’t know him… well take a bit of time and get to know him. Be prepared to be amazed!

3. Do you even Photoshop bruh?

People that are close to me already know my fascination with James Fridman, so for those of you who dont know him. LOL follow him on twitter. It will be the best thing you do to start your 2017.

4. Design Facts.

Amazing facts of design that everyone should know or at least see? or learn?

5. VR in another level


Once again… I may be busy in the next month so if you dont hear from me in a while… well maybe next time I post something I’ll be a graduated grown up? who knows?

have a great week!

“To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong.”



Alberto Silva

Branding lover that ended up in Marketing and Advertising. Check out my work ->