Liqvid platform highlights from 2022 ✨

Alex Solovev
4 min readFeb 14, 2023


I will not pose the results of the year in this article, I would rather record the highlights that took place in this difficult period, which greatly influenced us and made us who we are. This year has been like a roller coaster and did incredible things with us.

The main vector of the past year was expansion. We are now serving businesses in 37 countries across the world. It is about 1,000 companies nowadays… The core of what we do — we help businesses to entertain their visitors and sell more via digital screens.

Next one — pretty little thing called love! Lots of them fall in love with our platform eventually. his is something you can’t measure but damn you proud of ourselves when you find this kinds of emotions somewhere in clients replies. Churn feels good though.

Here are some news and figures my PR colleague was happy to share in social media recently:

  • Liqvid signed exclusive sales dealerships and strategic partnerships with companies in Singapore (dealership in several Asian markets),
    Dubai (promising strategic partnership for UAE and MENA region),
    and with a fast-growing partner for the Portuguese market, Angola and Mozambique.
  • By the end of 2022, the number of our B2B clients, who use the Liqvid platform, has exceeded 1,000, which means that it increased 4.5 times YoY. Liqvid is serving clients from more than 30 countries now.

Me: “Nice… for me as a CEO it results in the beginning of “Partnership Era” and tripled law expenses. Why don’t we hire lawyer onboard? Oh no… forget it! Unfortunately I still believe in contract templates tailored to our reselling business partners. But things are getting more and more complicated the same way number of internal corporate cyber privacy docs is getting bigger and bigger.”

  • Our engineers had a very busy year. In 2022, Liqvid updated its core product 16 times, mainly introducing new features.

Me: “Glad that I am no longer in details and those guys can handle the things without trying to kill each other 3 times a day”

  • Liqvid took part in several international business exhibitions, including
    The Coffee Fest in Los Angeles and Elevate in London.

Me: ”I am not sure that my team can handle any amount higher than 5 exhibitions per year. Hire an exhibition men? Aren’t they all useless in general… But speaking about those events — great source of clients and your stamina needs to be good enough to acquire them all on the stand and afterwards to close the deal in this sometimes endless b2b decision making process”

  • Definitely worth mentioning that this year we launched a fascinating product — a premium TV rental service. It was piloted in Spain and then spread over to the UK and the US.

Me: ”I had to pause this spin off after successfully acquiring couple of hundreds of paying customers in 4 countries, lots of operational costs which we can not take at the moment! Will get back to it later and treat it as separate business and with financial core and exceptional IRR”

  • And finally, we’ve launched our Medium blog, where we write about our business insights and stories. Please, follow, like, share, and stay tuned!

Me: ”If not this CEO job I would go in the middle of nowhere and produce these long reads with great pleasure. Nobody is reading? Not a problem! Or may be this is a problem? Ok, better to stay with current occupation, at least my product is in demand. Lets leave texts to ChatGPT”

Stay calm and partner with Liqvid in 2023 😉 I will meet you at the gates :)



Alex Solovev

I'm the CEO of Liqvid (, the premier cloud-based screen content management platform, powering e-connected displays in over 50 countries.