TOP jailbreak

5 min readAug 19, 2019


1.Pascal Payet: three times escaped from prison by helicopter!

Pascal Payet, or Kalashnikov Pat, went to jail for murder during a robbery of a collection vehicle. In 2001, he was sentenced to 30 years in prison and since then managed to escape from prison three times by helicopter! The last time, in 2007, a helicopter stolen half an hour earlier from Cannes Resort landed on the roof of the prison with a pilot, from which three of his seriously armed accomplices jumped out in search of Payet. He flew off the roof with masked accomplices. On the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, they released the pilot and since then no one has heard anything about Pascal or his accomplices.

2. John Dillinger: escaped from prison with a fake gun made of wood and painted in shoe polish black.

The legendary Johnny D, who was incidentally played by his namesake Johnny Depp in a recent Hollywood premiere, an American bank robber of the 30s, robbed at least a couple of dozen banks and escaped from prison twice. Dillinger spent some time in a prison in Michigan, Indiana, until he was conditionally released in 1933. After 4 months, he again went to prison - this time in Lima, Ohio, from where he was rescued by his armed gang, while killing the jailer, Sheriff Jesse Serber. Most of the gang was captured that year in Arizona Tucson, during a shootout at the Historic Congress Hotel. Dillinger was placed in Lake County Prison at Indian Crown Point. He was charged with attempted murder of police officer William O’Mally during a bank robbery in East Chicago in Indiana, carried out almost immediately after Dillinger’s escape from prison.

March 3, 1934, Johnny D escaped from Crown Point (a prison from which at that time it was considered impossible to escape), which was guarded by a huge number of police and military of their national guard. The news immediately appeared in the newspapers that Dillinger escaped from prison with a fake gun made of wood and painted in black shoe polished. Using this pistol, he forced the guard to open the door of his cell, and then took two hostages, gathered all the guards in his cell and locked them, and he calmly left the prison.

3.Alfie Hinds: escaped the law three times, once just locking the guards in the toilet.

Alfie Hinds is a Briton, who has escaped the law over and over again, a total of three times. For the fourth time, he left the prison already legally, having completely served his entire term. For Hinds, the glory of the famous thief was entrenched - by the way, his father actually died, having been punished for armed robbery. In 1953, Alfie Hines was arrested for a high-profile robbery of a jewelry store, 90 thousand dollars of proceeds from which were never returned. In court, he pleaded not guilty and was sentenced to 12 years in prison. After Alfie somehow somehow escaped from behind closed doors and a 6-meter prison wall, the public christened him Gooddini Hinds (in honor of the famous magician and illusionist). He led an honest life as a builder and decorator, until in 1956, Scotland Yard detectives finally tracked him down and returned to prison, after 248 days of searching.

After the arrest, Hinds turned the law against the authorities, accusing the jailers of illegal arrest and successfully used this incident to escape from the courthouse. When two guards took him to the toilet and removed the handcuffs from him so that he could do his job, he shoved them into the toilet and locked the padlock on the outside (accomplices built a wooden screw with a rod bent into the ring in advance so that he could do it). Hinds was captured at the airport only a few hours later. He made his third escape from Helmsford Prison. After that, he returned to Ireland, where for two years he lived and worked as a car salesman. Once again, he was seized when he was stopped by a police officer for driving in an unregistered car. This time, he also used his mind to find a loophole in the law - at the time, jailbreak was not considered an offense, so he was not added an extra term. So Alfie Hinds was sentenced to 6 years in prison for robbing a jeweler in 1953, plus he won a defamation lawsuit against a police officer who arrested him, and after his release spent the rest of his life as a mini-celebrity, selling his story to News of the World for $ 40,000.

4. Julian Shotard: escaped from prison, clinging to the bottom of the van that brought him to prison.

In 2009, French arsonist Julian Shotard escaped from prison in a bold and brazen way. He managed to escape from a group of prisoners who had just arrived at Pentonville Prison in north London. While the other prisoners walked inside, Shotard managed to dive behind the prison van that had just brought them from the Shersbruck Royal Courthouse (where Shotard was sentenced to seven years in prison). Julian successfully left the prison a few minutes later, clinging to the bottom of the same wagon. Later, he himself came to the police and surrendered to the authorities.




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