asaakiinmarkentier.techMedium’s new logo — what a strange looking thingBy now you probably have noticed, that something is different on this site: Medium is rebranding and has given itself a new logo.Oct 15, 20201Oct 15, 20201
asaakiinmarkentier.techSticky navigation bar without JavaScriptHave you ever wanted to create a sticky menu, but without the hassle of writing extra JavaScript for it? CSS got you covered now!Oct 14, 2020Oct 14, 2020
asaakiinmarkentier.techImprove git command under WSL2Filesystem performance of WSL2 is not great when you work on NTFS mounts within your Linux environment.Oct 8, 2020Oct 8, 2020
asaakiinmarkentier.techRust 2021Over at my home blog I wrote about what I want and wish from Rust in the next year and beyond.Oct 8, 2020Oct 8, 2020
asaakiinmarkentier.techNotes: Nokogiri installation errors on macosQuick answer: bundle config build.nokogiri --use-system-libraries && bundle installDec 30, 2018Dec 30, 2018
asaakiinmarkentier.techMinimalism, Focus, Clean — A RedesignStart with whatever you have, but don’t stop reaching for something better. Why I love minimalistic and simplistic web designs.May 1, 2018May 1, 2018
asaakiinmarkentier.techTIL: rebeccapurpleWhile polishing my theme, I discovered Rebecca. I love it, when technology gets some human touch. 💜Apr 11, 2018Apr 11, 2018
asaakiinmarkentier.techHitchhiker’s Guide To Structured DataA tiny journey to the building blocks of the semantic web and how they make our lives much easier.Apr 3, 2018Apr 3, 2018
asaakiinmarkentier.techProgressive Web App — even for a static site! is a Progressive Web App now, too. What does it mean and why are PWAs so cool? Main reason: it is about speed!Apr 1, 2018Apr 1, 2018
asaakiinmarkentier.techFrom to gutenbergI wish I could have the features of both tools, but for now I will use gutenberg over cobalt. A tiny migration and feature comparison…Mar 28, 2018Mar 28, 2018