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The Dance of Motivation and Procrastination: Unraveling the Tug-of-War Within

Asanda Masoka
2 min readSep 20, 2023

Asanda Masoka

The complex balance between motivation and procrastination is both puzzling and fascinating at the same time.

Motivation, considered that inherent powerhouse that propels us to our goals, comes from a variety of sources including passion, purpose, and the need for personal growth. The purpose of motivation exists to ignite a fire within us, driving us to overcome challenges, push boundaries, and persist in the face of adversity and fuel the creative spirit. Yet, intertwined with motivation is the ever-present temptation of procrastination, a masterful illusionist, disguising itself as relaxation or indulgence, while silently eroding our productivity and progress. It beckons us with its seductive whispers, offering immediate gratification and a temporary escape from the demands of our endeavors.

So, why do we oscillate between these two opposing forces? Much of the articles reviewed suggest that the answer lies in the intricacies of the human psyche. Motivation and procrastination are not solitary entities, but rather manifestations of the internal dynamics that shape our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. One of the primary culprits behind our oscillations is fear. Fear of failure, fear of judgment, and fear of not meeting our own impossibly high standards. These fears cripple us, causing us to procrastinate as a means to protect ourselves from potential disappointment or criticism. Perfectionism, too, undermines our motivation, as the fear of falling short of our own lofty expectations paralyzes our progress.

In an era of limitless distractions and constant stimulation, our attention is fragmented and easily diverted. The multitude of options at our fingertips can overwhelm us, leading to decision paralysis and, ultimately, procrastination. To break free from this cycle, we must engage in deep introspection and cultivate self-compassion. By understanding our fears and acknowledging the underlying emotions fueling our procrastination, we can begin to address the root causes. Embracing imperfection and acknowledging that setbacks are part of the journey allows us to navigate the dance between motivation and procrastination with greater grace.

This article was first published on asandamasoka.com



Asanda Masoka

Thoughts of a gen-z woman with big dreams in a hyperconnected world