Materials are the Current Bottleneck of Technological Progress

I have been asking myself lately what the challenges are in each industry that seems to prevent it from moving forward technologically, and, oftentimes, materials seem to be the common denominator. In our history, we have periods named after certain materials. There was the stone age, the bronze age, the iron age, etc.

Thus, we can see that materials are incredibly important to our world and more attention needs to be brought to this area of study. Although, information technology and AI is all the rage right now, we must not forget the foundation on which our civilization rests. While we can throw buzzwords around like innovation and disruption to pretend that we are technologically moving forward, if we do not improve upon the materials we use in our modern world, we will eventually be technologically stagnant.

Let me explain why.

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Cars, Airplanes, and Rockets

Material science plays a crucial role in the design and construction of cars, airplanes, and rockets. The materials used in these vehicles must be strong enough to withstand the stresses of travel, while also being lightweight and durable.

In cars, material science is used to create strong and lightweight body panels, as well as to design more fuel-efficient engines. The use of materials such as aluminum and carbon fiber in car construction has led to significant weight reduction, which improves fuel efficiency and performance.

Airplanes also rely heavily on material science, as the materials used in airplane construction must be able to withstand the stresses of flight, including high speeds and altitudes. Materials such as titanium and composites are commonly used in the construction of airplane fuselages and wings, as they are strong and lightweight.

Rockets also rely on advanced materials in order to withstand the extreme conditions of space travel. Materials such as carbon fiber and composites are used in the construction of rocket stages, as they can withstand the high temperatures and pressures of launch. An example of this is the shielding of rockets used for exit and reentry like SpaceX’s Starship, or the Space Shuttle.

With regards to radiation in the upper atmosphere and space, there is a need for shielding. The most common type of radiation shielding used in space is made of a material called polyethylene. We will see polyethylene later when discussing nanotechnology as well. Polyethylene is a plastic material that is lightweight, durable and has a high atomic number, which makes it good at absorbing radiation. The thickness of the polyethylene layer is determined by the amount of radiation expected to be encountered during the mission.

Another type of radiation shielding used in space is metal. Metal shielding is composed of materials like aluminum, titanium, and tungsten, which are known for their high atomic numbers and high density. These materials are able to absorb and scatter radiation, providing an effective barrier against the harmful particles.

Another way to block radiation in space is through active shielding. Active shielding involves using devices such as magnetic fields or electric fields to deflect or neutralize radiation before it reaches the spacecraft or satellite. For example, a device called a charged particle shield can be used to deflect protons and electrons using a magnetic field.

In addition, there are also advanced materials being developed for radiation shielding in space, such as aerogels, which are lightweight, low-density materials with a high porosity and a high surface area to volume ratio. These materials can be used to effectively absorb and scatter radiation while still being lightweight, making them suitable for use in space applications.

With the development of new materials and technologies, we can expect to see even more advanced vehicles in the future that are safe, have longer range, and perhaps a higher carrying capacity.

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Space Suits and Protective Gear

Material science plays a vital role in the design and construction of spacesuits and body armor. These specialized garments must be able to protect the wearer from a wide range of hazards, while also being lightweight and flexible enough to allow for ease of movement.

Spacesuits, which are worn by astronauts during space walks and other activities outside of spacecraft, must be able to protect the wearer from extreme temperatures, vacuum, and radiation. They are also designed to provide the wearer with breathable air, and to regulate pressure and temperature. The materials used in spacesuits must be able to withstand these conditions, while also being lightweight and flexible enough to allow for ease of movement. Materials such as fabrics coated with Teflon and multi-layer insulation are used to protect the wearer from extreme temperatures, while materials such as nylon and neoprene are used to provide flexibility.

Body armor, which is worn by soldiers and law enforcement officers to protect against gunfire and other forms of physical attack, must be able to absorb and disperse the energy of bullets and other projectiles. The materials used in body armor must be able to stop bullets and other projectiles, while also being lightweight and flexible enough to allow for ease of movement. Materials such as Kevlar and ceramic plates are commonly used in body armor, as they are able to absorb and disperse the energy of bullets and other projectiles.

In the future, we may even see normal clothing that is able to stop bullets if we are able to devise such materials and use economies of scale to bring them to market.

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Buildings and Large Structures

The materials used in construction must be able to withstand the stresses of daily use, weather, and time, while also being cost-effective, sustainable, and energy-efficient.

In recent years, there has been a shift towards using more sustainable and energy-efficient materials in building construction. For example, the use of insulated concrete forms (ICF) and structural insulated panels (SIP) has become increasingly popular. These materials provide excellent insulation, which leads to lower energy costs and a more comfortable living environment. Additionally, materials such as cross-laminated timber (CLT) and bamboo are being used in construction as an alternative to traditional materials like steel and concrete. These materials are renewable, sustainable and have a lower carbon footprint.

Another important aspect of material science in building construction is the use of smart materials. These materials have the ability to change their properties in response to changes in the environment. Examples of smart materials include shape memory alloys and thermochromic glazing. These materials can be used to create buildings that are more energy-efficient and adaptable to changing conditions.

Furthermore, material science plays a crucial role in the construction of large structures such as bridges and skyscrapers. The materials used in these structures must be able to withstand the stresses of heavy loads and high winds, while also being lightweight and durable. Materials such as steel and concrete have been used for many years in the construction of these structures, but new materials such as composites and advanced ceramics are being developed and tested to improve the strength and durability of these structures.

The use of sustainable, energy-efficient, and smart materials can lead to the construction of more resilient, adaptable, and cost-effective structures. With the ongoing research and development of new materials, we can expect to see even more advanced and efficient buildings and structures in the future. I for one am interested in megastructures like space elevators, orbital rings, and under water cities. Given that we don’t even have the building materials and manufacturing methods to construct such structures today, it is clear that advancements in material science is absolutely necessary to bring the cities of tomorrow to fruition.

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The semiconductor industry relies on a variety of materials, including silicon, metals, and insulators, to create chips that are both powerful and efficient.

Silicon is the primary material used in the construction of chips, as it is an excellent semiconductor material that can be easily manipulated to create transistors and other components. However, as chip sizes continue to shrink and demand for more powerful chips increases, the industry is looking for alternative materials that can provide better performance and reliability.

One alternative material that has gained attention in recent years is gallium nitride (GaN), which is a wide bandgap semiconductor material. GaN has several advantages over silicon, including faster switching speeds, higher breakdown voltage, and better thermal performance. These properties make it an attractive material for use in high-frequency and high-power applications, such as data centers and 5G communication.

Another alternative material is graphene, which is a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice. This is a material that I have been reading about for years now. Graphene is known for its excellent electrical and thermal conductivity, as well as its mechanical strength and flexibility. These properties make it a promising material for use in high-speed, high-power, and flexible electronic devices.

Metals such as copper and gold are also important materials used in the construction of chips. They are used to create interconnects, which are the pathways that connect the transistors and other components on a chip. These materials have to have high conductivity and low resistivity, to ensure that the signals that move around the chip are fast and clean.

Insulator materials such as silicon dioxide, silicon nitride, and silicon oxynitride are also important in the construction of chips. These materials are used to create the gate dielectrics, which are the thin layers of material that separate the gate electrode from the semiconductor channel in a transistor. These materials have to be able to withstand high temperatures and have a high dielectric constant, to ensure that the transistor can switch on and off quickly and efficiently.

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Nanotechnology is a rapidly evolving field that involves the manipulation and control of materials at the nanometer scale. The use of nanotechnology in medical treatments has the potential to revolutionize the way we diagnose and treat a wide range of diseases. A variety of materials are used in the construction of nanodevices, each with its own unique properties and potential applications.

One of the most widely used materials in nanotechnology is carbon, specifically in the form of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and graphene. These materials have exceptional mechanical and electrical properties, making them ideal for use in a wide range of applications, including drug delivery, imaging, and biosensors. Carbon nanotubes, for example, have a high aspect ratio and a high surface area to volume ratio, which makes them ideal for use in drug delivery systems. Graphene, on the other hand, is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat and is biocompatible, which makes it suitable for use in biosensors and imaging.

Another material widely used in nanotechnology is gold. Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) are widely used in biomedical applications due to their unique optical properties, biocompatibility, and stability. Gold nanoparticles are also non-toxic and have a high surface area to volume ratio which makes them ideal for use in drug delivery and imaging.

Silicon is also commonly used in the construction of nanodevices, specifically silicon nanowires (SiNWs) and silicon nanoparticles (SiNPs). These materials have excellent electrical properties and are biocompatible, making them suitable for use in biosensors and imaging.

Other materials that are used in the construction of nanodevices include metals such as iron and titanium, and polymers such as polyethyleneimine (PEI) and polyethylene glycol (PEG). These materials have unique properties that make them useful in a wide range of applications, including drug delivery, imaging, and biosensors. Simply put, if you want nanorobots in your bloodstream preventing cancer and defects in real time, the development of the aforementioned materials is very much a necessary milestone to reach.

Battery Tech

One of the main challenges facing modern batteries is their energy density, or the amount of energy that can be stored in a given volume. While lithium-ion batteries have a higher energy density than other types of batteries, they still have a limited capacity and can only store a limited amount of energy. To significantly improve the capacity of modern batteries, research is being conducted on new materials that have a higher energy density, such as lithium-sulfur and lithium-air batteries.

Another challenge facing modern batteries is their output, or the rate at which they can deliver energy. Fast charging and high-power applications, such as electric vehicles, require batteries that can deliver energy quickly without overheating or degrading. Researchers are looking into new materials and designs that can improve the output of batteries, such as solid-state batteries and silicon-based anodes.

Finally, modern batteries have a significant environmental impact, particularly in their production and disposal. The mining and processing of the materials used in batteries, such as lithium and cobalt, can have negative impacts on the environment and local communities. Additionally, the disposal of batteries can lead to the release of toxic chemicals and metals. To make batteries more environmentally friendly, researchers are looking into new materials that are more sustainable and less toxic, such as sodium-ion batteries and recycling technologies.

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Military Applications

We have already discussed body armor, and vehicles. There is also the need for systems that are able to handle the stresses of war. The military relies on advanced materials such as composites and high-strength alloys to build weapons that are strong, lightweight, and able to withstand the rigors of combat. The use of these materials allows for the construction of weapons that are more accurate, have greater range and are able to withstand the recoil of larger calibers. In the future, new materials such as advanced ceramics and superalloys will be used to make weapons that can withstand even more extreme conditions.

Display Screens (Durability and Energy Usage)

The materials used in these displays must be able to transmit light, produce vibrant colors, and be durable enough to withstand daily use. The materials used in display screens can also have an impact on energy efficiency, as the power consumption of a display can be affected by the materials used in its construction.

LCD (liquid crystal display) screens use a liquid crystal solution sandwiched between two layers of glass or plastic. The liquid crystals can be manipulated to block or allow light to pass through, creating images on the screen. The materials used in LCDs include polarizers, color filters, and various types of glass and plastic. To improve the display quality, researchers are looking into new materials that have higher light transmission and color reproduction capabilities. For example, the use of high-performance polarizers, such as those made of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), can help to reduce glare and improve color reproduction.

OLED (organic light-emitting diode) screens use organic materials to produce light and color, rather than relying on backlighting like LCDs. The materials used in OLEDs include organic compounds, such as small molecules and polymers, that emit light when an electric current is applied. Researchers are experimenting with different types of organic compounds, such as small molecules and polymers, which can emit light more efficiently and have longer lifetimes. For example, the use of phosphorescent materials, which emit light more efficiently than fluorescent materials, can help to improve the efficiency of OLEDs.

Another area of focus is the development of new encapsulation materials that can protect the OLEDs from moisture and oxygen, which can degrade the organic materials over time. Researchers are experimenting with different types of barrier materials, such as inorganic oxides and polymers, which can effectively protect the OLEDs from the environment.

Additionally, researchers are also working on improving the transparency of OLEDs, which can help to reduce the power consumption. By making the OLEDs more transparent, less power is needed to backlight the display, which can help to improve energy efficiency.

Fusion Reactors

Fusion reactors, which aim to harness the energy produced by nuclear fusion reactions, require a variety of materials to function effectively. These materials must be able to withstand the extreme conditions of the fusion reactions and the associated heat and radiation.

One of the key materials needed for fusion reactors is the plasma-facing material. These materials are used to line the walls of the reactor and must be able to withstand the extreme heat and radiation produced by the fusion reactions. Tungsten and carbon-based materials such as graphite and beryllium have been found to be suitable candidates as they have high melting points and good heat and radiation resistance.

Another crucial material needed for fusion reactors is the superconducting magnet material. Superconducting magnets are used to confine the plasma in the reactor and must be able to operate at very low temperatures (typically around -269 °C) and be able to withstand very high magnetic fields. The most commonly used superconducting magnet materials are niobium-tin and niobium-titanium.

Additionally, the structural materials of the fusion reactors such as the vacuum vessel, the blanket, and the shield must be able to withstand high temperatures, high radiation, and high pressure. Stainless steel and other high-temperature alloys such as Inconel and Hastelloy are often used for these applications.

Roads, Rail, and Other Transport Avenues

One promising area of research is the use of advanced asphalt materials. Conventional asphalt is made from a mixture of aggregate (such as gravel or crushed stone) and a binder (such as bitumen), but new types of asphalt are being developed that can withstand a wider range of temperatures, resist cracking and rutting, and be more durable. For example, warm mix asphalt, which is produced at lower temperatures, can be placed and compacted more easily, which can help to extend the lifespan of the road. Another example is the use of polymer-modified asphalt, which is made with a binder that is modified with a polymer. This type of asphalt can be more resistant to cracking and rutting, which can help to extend the lifespan of the road.

Another area of research is the use of new materials for road and railroad construction. For example, researchers are looking into the use of composite materials such as fiber-reinforced polymers (FRPs) for reinforcing concrete structures. These materials are lightweight, strong, and durable, and can be used to repair and strengthen existing structures.

Other materials being studied to improve the durability of roads and railroads include recycled materials, such as recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) and recycled concrete aggregate (RCA), which can be used to reduce the cost of construction and decrease the environmental impact.

Finally, self-healing materials are also being researched to improve the durability of roads and railroads. These materials have microcapsules containing healing agents that can be activated by external triggers, such as temperature or moisture, to repair cracks and other damage. This can help to extend the lifespan of the road and reduce maintenance costs.

Scarcity of Certain Metals and the Need for Alternatives as Well as Improved Supply Chains

You will notice many commonalities between multiple areas. Things like tungsten, lithium, the use of superconducting materials, metals, and the like means that there is a high demand for certain materials and a low demand for others. We not only need alternatives, but we need more sustainable ways of acquiring current materials. This can not only help to reduce cost, but will also improve the robustness of supply chains and by extension, the economies that depend on them.


As you can see, materials are used in every physical product and even directly affects information technology. As a result, it is the foundation that drives the efficiency, costs, and reliability of pretty much everything in our modern world as well as the waste it produces. Stagnation in this area would mean stagnation as a civilization and that is something I believe should absolutely be avoided.

Photo by Robby McCullough on Unsplash



Avinash Saravanan (アビナッシュ・サラバナン)

Experienced Engineer and Computer Scientist from the U.S.. I write about everything. I generally post bi-weekly.