Dream Pursuer Poem

Jan 10, 2023
Dream Pursuer
Dream Pursuer

In the shadows of mid-night,
One figure stalks my dreams,
A hunter on the odds,
Pursuing to took down— my soul, my dreams.

Through mystery visions,
He chases me with enigmas,
His steps as a silent God,

Never give on on you

An old vision warrior

With every passing night,
His chase is fiercest,
His feelings on my heart tighter,
His passion a fierce fire.

Dream Pursuer

I pursue you through centuries to find an image of you in that mythical statue, that art was a reminiscence of what we use to be.

Never give up on you.

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Writing about AI, dreams, nature, science, visions, data science. SIGNUP TO MEDIUM -> https://medium.com/@ascendancedev/membership