South Park: Snow Day! — A Zany Action-Adventure Experience

3 min readApr 8, 2024


South Park: Snow Day! plunges you headfirst into an unusual snowball fight, unlike anything you have experienced. Say goodbye to picturesque slopes and innocent children: this is South Park where snow becomes an arena for combative weapons; Cartman’s latest scheme takes center stage, leaving both bewildered yet oddly exhilarated players behind in its wake.

Devious grin on his face, Cartman hatches a snowball fight strategy so outrageous, even Stan and Kyle look hesitant.

As everyone inside their homes remains trapped indoors by an endless snowstorm, nothing else but war can be found to do… except for kids! What better way is there than fighting with snowballs, cafeteria trays repurposed as shields, and an occasional strategically-placed Dildo (don’t ask!) to pass time during such chaos as Kenny (somehow still alive! bless his cotton socks), Stan and Kyle trading barbs between throws between fights while Butters is simply happy to participate; finally Cartman steals the show with his chubby form marching across snowy battlefield with an incredible manic genius shine in his eye that rivals none.

Kenny lies sprawled facedown in the snow, a giant snowball inexplicably wedged between his legs. Was it a friendly fire incident, or something more sinister?

Cartman is known for devising plans with bold ambition and dubious morality — shocking, I know! Most likely, if you buy South Park: Snow Day!, you do it for Cartman in a certain high measure. His grand plan in South Park: Snow Day! entails using methane gas to poison an angry turkey as part of an elaborate scheme that may violate international conventions like Geneva and Strasbourg.

Cartman’s plan becomes an outlandish series of objectives integrated into snowball fights. Soon enough, you are not just throwing snowballs; now, you are strategically maneuvering to collect ingredients for Cartman’s deranged plot — not simply button-mashing but tactful thinking as well — dodging blindly or taking advantage of your environment by hiding behind snow forts or attacking from rooftops is part of what makes gameplay interesting and fulfilling!

Towering above the snowy battlefield, a makeshift mech cobbled together from swings and slides stands ready to unleash a blizzard of snow fury.

Cartman’s fart power becomes an effective tactical option: A well-timed toot can send enemies reeling backward and open up an opportunity for snowball attacks against an opposing team. If you buy South Park: Snow Day!, you will see that it simply works. While its absurdity should make this unlikely to work in real life, its combination of outrageous humor, strategic depth, and engaging combat create a snowball fight, unlike anything you have experienced (virtual or real life).

South Park: Snow Day! is more than a new action-adventure title; as you move through its snow-covered chaos, an intriguing narrative emerges: who or what is responsible for this relentless blizzard and why do people seem eager to return to school (other than trying to escape their parents, of course)? Expect unpredictable twists that test perception and keep players guessing throughout.

Image of Cartman whispering excitedly to Stan and Kyle in South Park: Snow Day!

Does South Park’s action adventure surpass other video games of its genre? No. Although engaging, its story can become episodic at times; and its open world may seem smaller than some would expect; nonetheless, these issues don’t detract from its pure unadulterated fun factor.

Verdict: 3/5

South Park: Snow Day! is an incredible, chaotic, and unexpectedly deep experience that promises laughter until your sides hurt — not too close to Cartman as who knows what he might have in store! It is one of my best recommendations at this time for players who buy PS5 adventure games. So if you want a game that embraces absurdity while revelling in crude humor then look no further! South Park: Snow Day! is here! If you love fart jokes as much as fartballing then South Park: Snow Day! is a perfect blizzard of chaos to become trapped within. So take part… just remember not too close… you never know!




I enjoy good food, movies, and video games. Occasionally, I write about the things I do and love.