Star Wars Jedi: Survivor — Refining Gaming Excellence

3 min readJan 8, 2024

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor has taken things up a notch — it’s larger, richer, and more detailed than its predecessor. In the four years since its initial release, developer Respawn Entertainment has truly refined its skills and produced a gaming masterpiece.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor — Respawn’s Triumph in Refining Gaming Excellence

The story unfolds through Cal’s eyes, yet nearly every character you encounter — even those you meet briefly during side missions — has a captivating tale. There’s a spot in the game, a cantina, where a handful of these characters congregate. There’s a DJ droid, a humanoid frog with a voice reminiscent of Invader Zim, and even an alien in a scuba suit sporting a Scottish accent. Greez, the veteran pilot who may have seemed grumpy before, now exudes a more paternal vibe while still delivering some of the game’s wittiest lines — a close second only to the sassy retorts of your droid, BD-1. The bond between Cal and Merrin strengthens, while Cere perceives Cal in a different light now that he’s a more seasoned Jedi.

A galactic landscape in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, evoking a sense of wonder.

Mastering Combat Dynamics and Accessibility Options

You can focus solely on the game’s main objectives and complete it in roughly 20 hours. However, there are a bunch of side missions, often referred to as rumors, that offer extra rewards and experience. While the original game briefly introduced dual wielding, now you can fully wield a lightsaber in each hand, delivering more aggressive attacks, which became my preferred style throughout most of the game. You’ll unlock a crossguard stance, slower yet powerful, reminiscent of Kylo Ren, and a blaster stance that adds gunplay to your combat. If defeated, you respawn at a nearby meditation point, losing accumulated experience. However, you can regain it by confronting the enemy that defeated you. The challenge escalates when facing DT Sentry Droids and AT-STs, but the game includes various accessibility options to adjust difficulty according to your playstyle.

Jedi wielding a lightsaber in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor’s intense battles.

Customization Options in “Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order”

You have a lot of choices here to make the experience your own, whether it’s in how you engage in combat or present yourself. You might focus on confusing enemies to turn against each other, use the Force to draw them nearer for close combat or invest in stim upgrades to stay alive when your health is low. While enhancing the lightsaber handle might not seem as impactful as giving Cal a buzz cut and a full beard, discoveringEach planet you explore boasts unique environments that feel alien and familiar, while the Imperial bases’ interiors exude that classic, unmistakable aura. Even during intense lightsaber duels in cutscenes, where emotions run high, you can still take breaks to buy cheap PS5 games and experience the thrill of immersive gameplay. The actors’ raw emotions are vividly portrayed throughout your gaming journey thanks to the photorealistic renderings and animations.

Force powers in action during a climactic moment in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.

A Blend of Thrilling Gameplay and Impressive Soundtrack

The game Star Wars Jedi: Survivor keeps you engaged long after the ending credits, especially with its new game plus mode that increases the challenge during your second playthrough. Drawing from diverse genres, the gameplay remains consistently enjoyable and thrilling, offering an engaging experience. I wholeheartedly recommend everyone to buy Star Wars Jedi: Survivor (and Fallen Order, in case you do not have it). It is a worthy sequel to Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order and one of the best games of its kind — a success for developers and the Star Wars franchise.




I enjoy good food, movies, and video games. Occasionally, I write about the things I do and love.