The Law of Attraction: How You Shape the World Around You Through Visualization Meditation

Ascension Academy
5 min readJan 3, 2020


A lot of people think that meditation is nothing more than a relaxation technique, but it’s actually much more than that. Guided meditation is a way to reconnect yourself with your desires and build a sense of awareness of who you really are. When you take the time each day to meditate, you will see how doing so can help you live a life of positivity, and much more.

Meditation Helps You Live the Good Life

With so many things going on in our everyday lives, plus a lot of stress, it can be very easy to dwell on our worries. But here’s why we must do the work to clear all of those negativities: You attract what you think. This is what we call “The Law of Attraction.”

The more you think of negative things, the more you’ll find yourself facing negative circumstances. So if you keep on thinking that you’re living a bad life, you’re having a bad day, or you’re just not good enough, that is exactly what your reality will reflect back to you. Because that is what you believe, the Universe will give exactly this.

Think of how much more beneficial it will be to think good thoughts with the knowledge of this law! Open your heart to the knowing that the Universe can give you all the good things you deserve if you dwell on positive things. When you feel good about life, a lot of good things will come your way.

When you meditate, you allow your mind to become quiet and relax. You give yourself time to breathe. As you do this, you will feel as though all your worries are slipping away. You’re at peace. You’re allowing good things to manifest in your life the more you visit and cultivate this feeling of peace throughout your day.

Keep Yourself Focused

This is probably one of the most challenging parts of meditation: focusing.One of the keys to manifestation, though, is this element of focus.. You need to focus on what you want to happen for yourself in order to create it. When you do that, you release a force that will attract what you want into your life.

So instead of jumping from one thought to another, which is what most of us do, try to develop a sense of mindfulness. When you meditate, focus only on that one thing you want to achieve. You might find that your brain would start fighting back once you try to discipline it into just thinking of one thing.

For example, you might be visualizing your dream house — and then suddenly you think of your kids smashing your beautiful china. But resist the urge to let your thoughts wander astray. Remember, you want to think only of good things. And focus on just one idea. This will be difficult to do when you’re just starting out, but don’t worry. You will get better at this in time.

The more you repeat this process of meditation, the more your mind will learn how to concentrate. And in time, just the act of concentrating will feel natural to you.

How to Visualize During Meditation

Before you visualize, think of something that you really want to happen in your life. The further your idea is from your current reality, the more you need to work at visualizing it. Often times, it is our very own insecurities that keep us from seeing how good things can actually manifest in our lives.

For example, you’re only earning $3,000 a month, but you really want to earn $50,000 a month. You might feel that no amount of visualizing can ever turn that thought into reality. But that’s exactly how you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. When you plant it in your mind that you can’t achieve your dream, then that seed of insecurity will grow and manifest negatively in your life.

To help you battle your insecurities, you need to work on meditating and visualizing what you want to happen in your life. How do you do that? Well, here’s the process.

1. Think of the one thing that you really want, and why you think that you can never make that your reality. We can first start here, to realize the thoughts that are holding us back, come to terms with the fact that these thoughts are not real, smile, and choose in that moment that you will receive what you desire, period.

Now, think of what your ideal life looks like, and visualize a scene. Make sure that what you visualize has elements of your present realities. For example, if you’re dreaming up a car, your scene should have that beautiful garage of your home.

2. Once you’ve chosen a scene that you want to visualize, work on calming your mind down. Gently try to clear away all other thoughts. Breathe in. Breathe out. Focus on your breathing, or put a single object in front of you and focus on that. At this point, your thoughts might start to wander. Focus back on what you were thinking of, back to your object of meditation. Do this until you feel your mind relax and you don’t find your thoughts drifting off as much as at the start.

3. Then, recall the scene that you want to visualize. First, think of the element from your present reality. The garage of your home, for example. Imagine that you’re actually standing there, taking the whole scene in. Take your time and linger on this reality. Embrace the feeling that the world around you is shaped by your desires.

4. Next, introduce into that reality what you want to achieve in your life. For example, you want to have that beautiful car. Think about that car. Take note of every detail. The feel of the car when you touch it. The smell of leather seats. The shining headlights. Linger on every detail. Put yourself in the scene. Imagine that you are in the driver’s seat. Take your time to go through each detail. Fully open your heart to the thought that one day, what you are thinking about will become reality.

That is an example of how you can do a guided meditation. When you do this often, you will find that little things will start happening in your life towards that one thing you are thinking of. You’ll be living out your life exactly as you have dreamt it to be.

Ascension Academy

To find more guided meditations and manifestation techniques, visit our website to receive more downloads. In addition, meditation is a powerful practice that can help you confront long held negative belief systems so that you can release them with grace, ease, and flow to embody more love, peace, and harmony in your life. You can learn more about Advanced Meditation Techniques at the Ascension Academy.

Meditation Meetups

Interested in meeting with fellow meditators to learn new powerful and approachable techniques to meditation? Ascension Academy also holds a weekly meetup group where we teach both advanced and beginner’s meditations.



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