Before Snapchat Groups were cool… (A Design Project: Snapchat Lists, *not* Groups!)

Annie Schugart
2 min readMar 18, 2017


Back in the day, October 2016 to be exact, I worked on a little design project based off a serious difficulty I and others encountered when using Snapchat (you know, life’s biggest problems and all).

A quick walkthrough of creating a new list.

I wanted to send a Snapchat to several of my teammates. So I did, scrolling through the long list of Snapchat contacts and selecting each one individually. Sadly, though, the one Snapchat I wanted to send ended up being a series of Snapchats I wanted to send them… and alas, each time I had to scroll through and select each one individually!

Honestly, this feels like an ancient problem now, as Snapchat unleashed Snapchat Groups in December.

Back in the day though, in October, my idea was that these Snapchat Lists were just that — lists, not groups. And there is a sharp difference between the two.

Proposed UI.

Groups vs. Lists

Snapchat’s idea was Snapchat Groups. This is similar to a group text, where everyone can see everyone in the group no matter who creates it, and it shows up as a Snapchat or a Snapchat message to your group.

My idea was Snapchat Lists. This allows the user to be in control of their own lists, and no one else can see them or know that they’re a part of that list. If I sent a Snapchat to one of my lists, it will show up as an individual Snapchat delivery to each user on the list from me, not as a Snapchat to a list or group.

There are pros and cons to each, arguably.

Some UI Designs…

I drafted up a few interface designs for Snapchat Lists as a personal project in October. They can be viewed interactively at this link or below.

Which do you prefer, Snapchat Groups or Snapchat Lists? Leave a comment below or tweet me @AnnieSchugart. I’d love hear your thoughts.



Annie Schugart

Harvard ’19 (comp sci). // Formerly: The New York Times, The Harvard Crimson (multimedia chair). // Innovator, designer, creator. //