Aschwin Wesselius
1 min readApr 3, 2018


This is not as easy as just meditating. If your adrenal glands are exhausted (which is very likely) it can take a while before cortisol gets reduced.

A very hard part in helping restoring your adrenal glands is staying away or minimizing the use of caffeine. Caffeine is addictive and your body might depend on it too much.

I’ve found to support the adrenal glands with raw adrenal glandular supplements from grass fed cows and sheep the best. Their glands are similar to the human organs. Take these only in the morning straight before breakfast. The morning is the moment cortisol gets kicked in and supplementing the body reduces this cycle very effectively. If I skip this, I get burned out much quicker. If I use this in the afternoon also.

Next (like the already mentioned ashwaganda) use herbs to support the adrenal glands. I like Vitanica’s Adrenal Assist best, since it’s balanced and helps a lot.

How do I know they work? I’m less stressed, more focused, less anxious and less brain fog.

I’m sure I will check out the other hints mentioned here. Thanks!

