Best Facebook Ads Templates to Build Ad Campaigns in 2023

7 min readDec 1, 2022

The main advantage of selling on Shopify and advertising on Facebook is that you can reach a large, targeted audience while still controlling the consumer journey and connection. After all, when it comes to selling on your website, there are no marketplace limits. Facebook Ads Templates

However, there are restrictions on what you can market on the social media platform and how you may advertise it. You must adhere to Facebook ad sizes, select which Facebook ad kinds to utilize, and calculate the cost of Facebook advertisements so that you can budget appropriately. Some of the criteria and best practices to keep in mind while developing your Facebook ad strategy and creativity are included in the Facebook ads templates below.

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Facebook Feed Ad Template

The Facebook feed ad appears in users’ general feeds on desktop and mobile devices. For Facebook Feed advertising, you may utilize an image or a video.

  • For photos, use JPG or PNG; for movies, use MP4, MOV, or GIF.
  • The minimum resolution is 1080 x 1080 pixels; there is no maximum resolution.
  • Aspect ratio: Facebook prefers 1.91:1 or 1:1, however ratios up to 4:5 are allowed; offer advertising and stock photo advertisements require a 1.91:1 ratio; a 4:5 ratio won’t function if your ad has a link.
  • Video file size: 4 GB Video length: 1 second to 241 minutes
  • 125-character limit
  • 40-character headline
  • 30-character link description; descriptions will only display in the mobile feed if Facebook determines they are likely to resonate with the reader.

Facebook feed ad tips and best practices:

  • For feed advertising on Facebook, there is no maximum picture resolution, so utilize the largest resolution image you have that fits 1080 by 1080 pixel ratio requirement. This will ensure that you get the best possible creativity to help you stand out and engage your Facebook audience.
  • You’re not confined to basic white backdrop product photographs when advertising on Facebook. Now is the moment to let your imagination run wild. Demonstrate how your items are used. Give examples of where, how, and when your items may be useful.
  • Maintain a straightforward approach. While Facebook advertisements provide you with greater leeway in terms of creativity, you don’t want to make your picture or video too visually overpowering for consumers. Stick to a single focus topic and use short, simple words.
  • Play around with animated GIFs. These are Facebook video advertising, and they may be a fun way to stand out and get people to participate.

Facebook Carousel Ad Template

A Facebook carousel ad is a sliding carousel that displays a sequence of photos or videos. Users may scroll through the content, which is divided into sections, each with its link.

  • Image/video count: 2–10 images/videos
  • For photos, use JPG or PNG; for movies, use MP4, MOV, or GIF.
  • The minimum resolution is 1080 x 1080 pixels; there is no maximum resolution.
  • Aspect ratio: 1:1 is ideal, however ratios between 1.91:1 and 1:1 are acceptable.
  • 1 second to 240 minutes of video
  • 40-character headline
  • 20-character link description

Facebook carousel ad tips and best practices:

  • Follow Facebook’s suggested specifications. Facebook may mask or crop your creativity to meet its desired measurements, resulting in distorted graphics, even though you may pick from a variety of resolutions and aspect ratios.
  • Use the carousel ads template to highlight your product’s different features and benefits. Choose one product to spotlight and dedicate each image or video to a different characteristic of that product.
  • Display customer feedback on your product or brand. A different testimonial might be highlighted in each picture or video. Use the last slot to display a picture of your product along with a buy link.

Facebook Right Column Ad Template

The Facebook right column ad is an image ad that appears to the right of the main Feed for desktop users. They’re little, but they’re able to hover in situ.

  • JPG or PNG are the two most common file types.
  • Image dimensions must be at least 254 pixels wide by 133 pixels tall.
  • The minimum resolution is 1080 x 1080 pixels; there is no maximum resolution.
  • The ideal aspect ratio is 1:1, however any ratio from 1.91:1 to 1:1 is supported; nevertheless, the platform may mask the picture to 1:1.
  • Due to the limited image size, the text is not suggested.
  • 40-character headline
  • Due to the limited image size, this link is not advised.

Facebook right column ad tips and best practices:

  • Make use of a basic yet effective graphic. With a right column ad, you have less real estate, and many people may not even look at that portion of the screen. Given its modest size, it’s critical to create creative that will stand out without confusing or overwhelming users. Don’t attempt to jam too much information into it — Facebook advises against including any text at all.
  • Please keep in mind that these Facebook Ads templates are exclusively for desktop users. Make sure the desktop experience is up to pace and that consumers aren’t sent to a mobile-only site.

Facebook In-Stream Video Ad Template

In-stream video advertising on Facebook is brief videos that display while a user is watching other videos on the social media platform. The first shows after the consumer have seen one minute of video material.

  • Duration of video: 5–15 seconds
  • 4 GB file size
  • Resolution: at least 1080 x 1080 pixels; no maximum; avoid letter or pillar boxing when uploading films.
  • 16:9 or 19:6 aspect ratio

Tips and best practices for Facebook in-stream video ads:

  • Get straight to the point. Your in-stream video ad is an interruption whether you like it or not. The less invasive your video is, the better.
  • These Facebook ads templates and types are not available to all advertisers. If you’re turned down, it’s possible that you don’t have enough followers, or that you don’t have enough videos or viewers. More information on becoming eligible for Facebook in-stream video advertising may be found on this page.
  • Closed subtitles should be included for viewers. This will not only increase the accessibility of your video advertising, but it will also allow you to engage mobile users in situations where sound is unavailable. Even if your video is muted, you may still get your point over.

Facebook Marketplace Ad Template

You may also use Facebook Marketplace to create advertisements that appear alongside other user-generated for-sale listings. Facebook suggests that you use the same specifications as you would for Feed advertising.

  • JPG or PNG are the two most common file types.
  • The minimum resolution is 1080 x 1080 pixels; there is no maximum resolution.
  • Aspect ratio: 1:1 is ideal, with 16:9 to 9:16 being acceptable.
  • 40-character headline

Tips and best practices for Facebook Marketplace ads:

  • Keep your ad’s focus on the goods. People who visit Facebook Marketplace go so to shop, not to interact with friends or to keep up with current events. This isn’t the place to develop your email list, but Marketplace is a wonderful ad type to consider if you want to market your online items for sale.
  • Concentrate on the items and pricing that Marketplace customers are seeking for. The majority of items purchased and sold on Marketplace are pre-owned. This is a terrific way to go if you run a vintage business. Aside from that, these customers are most likely seeking value, thus high-priced things aren’t the ideal fit for this Facebook ad design.
  • To stand out, use high-quality product photos. Because the majority of Marketplace postings are created by users, the graphics aren’t too difficult to compete with. A little investment in product photography might have a significant impact.

Facebook Instant Experiences Ad Template

Facebook Instant Experiences are full-screen, dynamic content experiences that emphasize multimedia, large images, and a mix of lifestyles and products. This is the page that a visitor will arrive at after clicking on one of your other ad kinds. The mobile-only ad experience is a powerful and engaging way to advertise.

  • Up to 20 images/videos are allowed; videos are limitless.
  • For photos, use JPG or PNG; for films, use MP4 or MOV.
  • The whole width of the image is 1080 pixels, and the full height is 1920 pixels.
  • Videos should have a minimum resolution of 720 pixels.
  • Video length: You can use as many videos as you like, but the total time is restricted to two minutes.
  • Multiple blocks of text up to 500 words each Font: Helvetica 6–60 point
  • Helvetica Neue, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica Neue, He
  • Helvetica Neue-Light, Neue-Light
  • Helvetica Neue-Medium
  • Helvetica Neue-CondensedBold, Neue-UltraLight, or Georgia
  • Button text: maximum of 30 characters; all text must fit on one line, and Facebook reserves the right to truncate it for low-resolution devices.

Facebook Instant Experience ad tips and best practices:

  • Use the greatest resolution feasible, even if your movie just has to be 720 pixels. As a consequence, the visual quality of the content will increase, as will the mobile user’s ad experience.
  • Facebook chooses your video thumbnails for you automatically: the first frame of your video. Make sure the first frame of your movie corresponds to the thumbnail you desire.
  • Instead, merely a collection of photographs and movies, provide consumers with an experience. For example, tell a tale about your company or emphasize how your product will improve the lives of your consumers.

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