Top Brazilian projects on GitHub, by number of stars

4 min readSep 1, 2017


We reveal the top-20 most popular Brazilian open-source software projects on GitHub, ranked by their number of stars (on GitHub, stars are the equivalent of likes on Twitter or Facebook).

GitHub is the world’s largest collection of open source software, with around 23M users and 65M repositories. In a recent Wired article, for example, the service was compared to the Library of Alexandria, which was the largest collection of human knowledge in its time.

On GitHub, users can star a repository to manifest their interest or satisfaction with the hosted project.

The star button is similar to the "like" feature of other social networks. It is therefore a common measure of the popularity of GitHub projects, as studied in this recent paper from our group. For example, it is common to see blogs or tweets by developers celebrating that their projects reached a certain number of stars.

We use the number of stars to reveal the most popular Brazilian projects.

Each project on GitHub has an owner; furthermore, in their profile page, owners can state their location (city, country etc). As an example, see our research group profile on GitHub, where there is a field mentioning that we are located in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

Using this information, we mined the most popular projects whose owner is a Brazilian developer (or organization).

At the end of this post, we show a list with the results, as in August 31, 2017.

Among the top-20 Brazilian projects, 8 projects contain only documentation (tutorials, awesome lists etc). Therefore, we can call them meta-projects, i.e., projects that help to construct other projects. For example, avelino/awesome-go is the most popular project (23K stars), followed by vsouza/awesome-ios (21K stars). By contrast, the third position is occupied by a real system, plataformatec/devise (17K stars), which is an authentication library for Ruby on Rails.

Distribution by Brazilian States:

9 projects are from São Paulo and 2 from Rio de Janeiro. Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, and Pernambuco have 1 project each; and 5 projects do not mention the state.

Most popular Brazilian projects:

  1. avelino/awesome-go — Sao Paulo — 23150 stars
    A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software.
    Inspired by awesome python.
  2. vsouza/awesome-ios — Rio de Janeiro — 21391 stars
    A curated list of awesome iOS frameworks, libraries, tutorials, Xcode
    plugins, components and much more.
  3. plataformatec/devise — São Paulo — 17576 stars
    Devise is a flexible authentication solution for Rails based on Warden.
  4. RocketChat/Rocket.Chat — Porto Alegre — 13686 stars
    The Ultimate Open Source WebChat Platform
  5. plataformatec/simple_form — São Paulo 6757 stars
    Simple Form aims to be as flexible as possible while helping you with
    powerful components to create your forms.
  6. braziljs/js-the-right-way — Brazil — 6581 stars
    This is a guide intended to introduce new developers to JavaScript and
    help experienced developers learn more about its best practices.
  7. insidegui/WWDC — Brazil — 5882 stars
    WWDC for macOS allows both attendees and non-attendees to access WWDC livestreams, videos and sessions during the conference and as a
    year-round resource.
  8. leandromoreira/digital_video_introduction — Brazil — 5263 stars
    A gentle introduction to video technology, although it’s aimed at
    software developers / engineers, we want to make it easy for anyone to
  9. thumbor/thumbor — Rio de Janeiro — 5127 stars
    Thumbor is a smart imaging service. It enables on-demand crop,
    resizing and flipping of images.
  10. cloudson/gitql — São Paulo — 4674 stars
    Gitql is a Git query language. In a repository path…
  11. Respect/Validation — Brazil — 4086 stars
    The most awesome validation engine ever created for PHP.
  12. ericdouglas/ES6-Learning — Brazil — 3999 stars
    List of resources to learn ECMAScript 6!
  13. kazzkiq/balloon.css — Belo Horizonte — 3407 stars
    Simple tooltips made of pure CSS.
  14. tayllan/awesome-algorithms — Blumenau — 2834 stars
    A curated list of awesome places to learn and/or practice algorithms.
    Inspired by awesome-awesomeness and all the other awesome Awesome
  15. dogo/SCLAlertView — São Paulo — 2787 stars
    Animated Alert View written in Swift but ported to Objective-C, which
    can be used as a UIAlertView or UIAlertController replacement.
  16. igorescobar/jQuery — São Paulo — 2582 stars
    A jQuery Plugin to make masks on form fields and HTML elements.
  17. hishamhm/htop — Campinas — 2452 stars
    This is htop, an interactive process viewer. It requires ncurses. It
    is developed primarily on Linux, but we also have code for running
    under FreeBSD and Mac OS X (help and testing are wanted for these
  18. ramon82/zuck.js — São Paulol — 2314 stars
    This script is a copy of Facebook Stories of a copy of Facebook
    Messenger Day of a copy of WhatsApp status of a copy of Instagram
    stories of a copy of Snapchat stories.
  19. caiorss/Functional-Programming — Recife — 2193 stars
    The purpose of this tutorial is to illustrate functional programming
    concepts in many languages by providing reusable and useful snippets
    of code, examples, case studies and applications.
  20. accord-net/framework — São Carlos — 2078 stars
    The Accord.NET project provides machine learning, statistics,
    artificial intelligence, computer vision and image processing methods
    to .NET. It can be used on Microsoft Windows, Xamarin, Unity3D,
    Windows Store applications, Linux or mobile.

